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dorking football club limited : the good news.

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Originally Posted By: thespursfan
its probably for others to say what the alternative is chickrob.
the council will eventually decide who they trust to run a football club on their ground.

what team would play at meadowbank? who knows, perhaps some of this years and some of last years squads?

Dorking fc is run by the ltd co., if they get booted off meadowbank they could in theory groundshare somewhere and carry on as Dorking fc I think.

long term I believe the council are committed to a football club at Meadowbank, Ill be locked to the gates and first up against the bulldozers if not!

Your last point is in my view the only sensible way forward.Over to the current owners!

I suggest it's time to remove the rose coloured speckies !

Some bullet points to ponder....

1. DFC Ltd are using their legal right to gain a long term lease by a legal process.

2. If that fails, (which could take a year or two after appeals), then MVDC COULD indeed grant a lease to another club.

3. I guarantee that lease would be very short term.

4. Lease Expires.

5. Watch the houses and flats go up at Meadowbank.

6. Watch some very happy officials, (non-football, I hasten to add), laughing all the way to the bank.

THERE ! Now I've said it. Lets all stop swinging handbags and have a pop at the real villains in this whole sordid saga.

MVDC have stated in witing, that they want football to continue at Meadowbank.

What I want to know is, FOR HOW LONG, EXACTLY !
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I agree with JR and Eye 1 on some points.


JR if you can arrange a time and place to meet the Share Holders of Dorking FC Limited I am sure everyone who wants to best for the club would meet up and talk through how to move this sorry situation on - Ball is in your court ( and no pun intended )


Not sure if I agree with you on the lease as I am informed it would be a nice long lease, but I don't always believe what I am told.


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Thanks for that APM


As I understand the current situation, all moves forward are having to be run through our legal people for obvious reasons, but things ARE in the pipe-line but may take a little time.

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Surely the best thing is to sit down and talk about what can be done by others for the best of the Club.


If the club is ever to be a Community club again this is the only way forward.


Also it could save the club loads of money not having to fight the Council.


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Originally Posted By: thespursfan
dorking ad out tomorrow, I suggest you all go christmas shopping!

It's available now, if you know where to get it !

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i have got the dorking ad and you wouldnt know there had been a court case.


Looks like the story was pulled for some reason as the front page says chicks fate to be decided next year see sports page 52 and there is diddly there!


I hope the club arent spending more money they dont have on injuctions


No rallying cry or appeal for support from the club.


one letter from a dorking councillor to say the council and club should sit down and talk it through as the town club goes back a long way, which I agree with.


No support from any where else, despite Brockham Badgers having plenty of coverage, not a word from them can I see.


and a good report on Dorking girls u 15 s and a remarkable 71 - 0 win for Dorking girls under 18 s gets a good report. Oh thats the rugby club!

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Printers Error folks.


If you look CAREFULLY at the top of the back sports page, you will see it is headed "MIRROR SPORT"


Unfortunately the printers, in their infinite wisdom printed the wrong back page.


Some other poor s0ds are reading all about the court case.


We are reliably informed, the report WILL be in next weeks edition, assuming the printers stay sober !chloe


Right - Got to dash of to Essex. Well, someone has to !



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