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MyFC hidden agenda?


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Originally Posted By: Bernard
I trust, then, that if your integrity is not for sale, you will be forced to withdraw your support for the club when MyFC take over?

Sorry I missed this earlier!

Wouldn't some of you just love me to go away!

I am not a true supporter in one way, as I no longer pay money to the club, I class myself as a fan!
I don't know how old you are, but I have done more than my fair share of financially supporting the Club, down the years, and I think I have the right(as you have, and I've never said otherwise)to say what I feel, if go away is the new attitude, no wonder David(if it's true)is thinking of walking away!!
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I am not telling you to 'go away'. However, if, as you say, your integrity is not for sale, maybe it is time to pack it all in? I'm sure many others have thought this since Tuesday (which seems about 5 years ago now!). How many of us wouldn't rather we made the break into league football under our own steam? How many of us thought that the soul might be ripped from our club if this takeover happens? There is no model for who will stop going to games and who will comtinue to follow the club. Some have swallowed the news instantly and backed the takeover to the hilt, others cringed at the fact but will soldier on, while a few may well see this as a final infringement on their enjoyment of following the club. However, it is no good simply to complain about the takeover, yet simultaneously continue to support the club and then claim that your integrity is 100% in tact. To me this seems entirely contradictory.



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I see what you mean......Like the people, dead against the takeover, who have only joined the scheme, to try and change it from within? Go tell them the same!


Or are they now the new Saviours?


I disagreed with other Chairmen and Boards, but still supported the team! Why should this make any difference...........My integrety is intact because I haven't become a member!

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I think people attempting to change MyFC from within will only be met with failure. Having, say, 100 Ebbsfleet fingers in a 20,000-strong pie (excuse the ludicrous analogy) will do little to affect the running of the organisation, or team changes etc. If thousands of MyFC fans pull out after one year, I doubt that a small band of Fleet stakeholders will be able to save it.

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We'd only know the answer to that one if MYFC pulled out altogether . Then the board would have to issue a statement quantifying what has now ( allegedly ) become public knowledge . Unless , of course , this is their own attempt at spin ... " We're losing money hand over fist - you do love your club , don't you ? Some "nice" people have offered us some money to help , but there are strings attached - you don't mind , do you ? "

Obviously , without asking anyone first , of course .

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Originally Posted By: PatMan
seems like there is stuff being hidden from everyone, wonder why that is?

I agree, things like that are far from ideal. MyFC is far from open. They explain that this is because they are going through the difficult process of buying the club. My advice to you 'Fleet fans is to be as vocal as possible. Don't just accept things that you don't like - as largely seems to be the case with last summer's name change. If you think things are "underhand" let them, the MyFC Ltd. (a seperate entity from the membership, the "MyFC Society") know about it. Demonstrate. Please don't just moan in a forum! Do it for yourselves.

By the way, I am a member, but an open-minded one. If you fans, en masse, were unhappy enough I for one would leave MyFC in protest. But please remember, even as an old cynic and an emotional victim of another aggressive takeover of a club, I have great faith in the MyFC concept and the people running it.
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Originally Posted By: 1 F in Fleet
They should realise that our Trust is made up of ordinary decent fans of this club - the very people they need onside , and some of the hardest working for this club , most in an unpaid capacity .
Anyone and everyone in MYFcuks Ltd is beneath contempt . The only saving grace is that a few more wavering voters amongst the Fleet faithful should now make their minds up - firmly .

Interesting comments. Two things spring immediately to mind 1). In what way am I not ordinary or decent? I don't have a criminal record, I pay my taxes, and to my knowledge my name doesn't appear on a register someplace. 2). In what way am I beneath contempt? I'm not sure you're convinced about this yourself, because you seem to have worked up a full head of contemptuous steam. Realistically I suspect you find me fully worthy of contempt.

It seems to me ordinay decent fans of the club are missing a trick. Clearly a sizeable proportion of fans see us all as dilettantes (I had to get my butler to look that word up in the dictionary), who will drop out once the going gets tough - rain, cold & February seem to get a lot of mentions, although when I last looked we got our share of all three up here in the North West. If you join the trust then when this happens the only people left will be the ordinary decents, and those of us less ordinary will have left. You will then own the club.

One question nobody ever asks is, what were your motives when you joined MyFcuk (your spelling I believe F)? Could be worth a punt.
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Originally Posted By: 1 F in Fleet
MYFcuks Ltd

Read slowly , read carefully .... L-I-M-I-T-E-D
Got that ?
Are you one of the hallowed few in the LIMITED part of MYFC ?
No ???
Didn't think so .

I see where you're going this F. It is limited liability, but there's more than one type. MyFcuk is an Industrial & Provident Society, one of whose articles of association is that no dividends can be paid. You can of course be paid wages, or a fee for services. If you're saying that Will Birch will make a few quid out of this, and possible forge a niche career you're almost certainly right. But I wouldn't put him in the same street as Cap'n Bob Maxwell.
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