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Can Will Brooks be kicked out?


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I am not a tourist. My name is not Bubba. I do not mess with other people's livelihoods. I took interest because I would like to be part of a team succeeding. It is not a scam. I never expected to own any part of a team. It would make make me happy if I hear that they installed new toilets, for instance.

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Originally Posted By: Ian_W
I try and keep everyone in control on these forums smile Doesn't always work - but I do my best LOL

You're doing a good job. As I said in another thread - even the wind up merchants on here are generally polite about it. That is often a sign of a good moderation team smile And you don't get too many straight trolls by the look of it.

*Grins* on the boards that I used to moderate - Clowntown would just have dug himself a really big hole. He would be on the point of a final warning - one more offensive post like those recent ones and he would have his posting privileges taken away for a week - to help him cool off. I used to think of it as putting them in the 'Naughty Corner'

But then - I am an an extreme Nazi, Will Brookes hymn-sheet singing from, spin doctor smile
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LOL thanks for the comments.


I prefer to try and take the self-policing method. Doesn't always work - but the mods here do a good job smile


We have some forums that are better than others - but the beauty is people can stick to their own sections if they wish - although I would prefer it if people posted more in the League forums - but eh I can't force people to go outside their club forum smile

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Originally Posted By: clowntown
Hilarious, one post says that Will Brooks doesn't have "secret police" and the others asks me to reveal my MyFC username (no doubt so Brooks and co can silence me). You couldn't make it up lol!!!1!

The bottom line of all this is that whilst the 'Fleet may benefit financially in the short term, the originator of the MyFc 'cult' and his cronies are also making a nice sum of money on the back of it.

Its like all supposed democracies, everyone gets a free vote, until they disagree with the heiarchy, then their will is imposed on the others.

Its like a South American tin-pot democracy that ultimately becomes a dictatorship.

To all MyFc members, get real. Whatver you vote for, if those at the top disagree with you do not think for one moment that your opinions will be counted. How do you know if the majority have voted for something, the only persin/people that will know if the majority wnat to introduce something is those at the 'top', they can then easily ignore the majority.
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Originally Posted By: John Pearce

The bottom line of all this is that whilst the 'Fleet may benefit financially in the short term, the originator of the MyFc 'cult' and his cronies are also making a nice sum of money on the back of it.

Isn't that always the way though John?

I mean look at Percy Shaw, he invented catseyes in the 1930's which must have saved millions of lives and the b*st*rd got rich off of it!

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