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20,000 managers


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The one question i can see that needs to be addressed and a very important one is:




After all the posts and debates on here, this is the one question that i still cannot fathom out the answer, it all sounds good the idea of all these extra supporters all helping to bolster the clubs profile and contributing so much money for team affairs, through extra fans coming to watch spending merchandise etc, but in reality,the team is managed by the manager, coach whatever name hes given,he surely has the power to select the team, and has the say on who plays and who doesnt.

there is to many things that can go wrong last minute, like players stepping out of line and need to be disaplined ie; pulled out of the team, but if the masses have selected that player does he play?. Where would the control be....i believe this will not work.i can see LD and AK not putting up with it they will jack it in and leave it to the next guy.I honestly hope im proven wrong for the good of our local club, but surely the dayly running of a team has to be a managers job and his alone.


The points ff made on another thread about debts and the board i can understand,but again the whole way its been done, i for one feel like the loyal local fans of this club have been sold down the river without any thought what so ever, the same way the name change was done.I work on shift and used to take a day and a half holiday(12 hours) just to watch a game, well this season i have not been bothering, if im working then i miss a game, when im off i will always attend a match,i will always come and pay to watch,the fleet will always be my local team, but to be honest im feeling very peeved with the whole saga, and think to myself why bother. maybe my attitude is wrong in others eyes but im afraid thats the way i feel.I would love to see the fleet to progress and be a force of the future, but at the moment all i can see is a future that looks like it has disaster written all over it...... hanged

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Thats where I think myfc have been very clever. With over 20,000 members, voting becomes irrelevent as there are too many. The fun part of the site is being able to talk tactics, selection etc. Get everyone to pay £35, let them think they are the managers but secretly know Mr Daish has the final say. Brilliant.

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Originally Posted By: DA11
Thats where I think myfc have been very clever. With over 20,000 members, voting becomes irrelevent as there are too many. The fun part of the site is being able to talk tactics, selection etc. Get everyone to pay £35, let them think they are the managers but secretly know Mr Daish has the final say. Brilliant.

Valid point. Just the idea of selecting the club has been given considerable debate and brainsweat on the MyFC forum.

The main point that came out of it: Most of us would follow the head coach/manager through, unless there's something that is really out of whack.

To have Daish as the manager/coach probably gives the "Coach's decision" button a better chance of being the only one pressed.

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"The fun part of the site is being able to talk tactics, selection etc"

Now, now DA11.....you know that talking tactics & selection has reulted in many an argument on here in the past ( I'll have a beer for you tomorrow CG !), which is fine ( it's a game of opinions Brian !). So, if us few cannot agree, then there is little hope of 20,000 people agreeing a comon policy or way forward. Of course I assume that it will work in a very democractic way with the majority decision winning the day ! However, those in the minority all the time may get a bit bored !



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Originally Posted By: Hirsty
"The fun part of the site is being able to talk tactics, selection etc"
Now, now DA11.....you know that talking tactics & selection has reulted in many an argument on here in the past ( I'll have a beer for you tomorrow CG !), which is fine ( it's a game of opinions Brian !). So, if us few cannot agree, then there is little hope of 20,000 people agreeing a comon policy or way forward. Of course I assume that it will work in a very democractic way with the majority decision winning the day ! However, those in the minority all the time may get a bit bored !


Lol.. laugh

Thats the point Hirsty. How can 20,000 possibley have a say in how the team is run. Too many members. But in reality if the club propers through increased gates, a transfer kitty and international merchandise sales who are we to argue. Us fans have been around for a long time and I forsee us being around for much longer. Perhaps we could looby a reduction in alcohol prices in the bar.
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Thanks.....I will enjoy it......I don't get out much !! grin


In all seriousness, it will be an interesting afteroon, not really knowing what expect crowd wise rather than team wise for a change ! I am still trying to squeeze into one of my older 'fleet shirts !!





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Originally Posted By: Hirsty
Thanks.....I will enjoy it......I don't get out much !! grin

In all seriousness, it will be an interesting afteroon, not really knowing what expect crowd wise rather than team wise for a change ! I am still trying to squeeze into one of my older 'fleet shirts !!


Me thinks you gonna need a 24hr detox.
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I have just returned from a business trip to the news of the proposed takeover. I apologise if the points I am about to make have already been aired, but I'd like my say too.


From the little I have heard and read from afar the majority of those myfootballclub (MyFC) members who live outside the immediate area of Gravesend & Northfleet welcome the deal but it hasn't been quite so well received 'on the teraces' and mainly due to the fact that there wil be 20K plus 'managers' airing their views and having a say on team selection.


My background is in the Marine Insurance industry where insurance 'mutuals' owned by many Shipowning members but operated and managed by a few appointed adminisrators have been in existence for well over 100 years.


MyFC is a type of mutual. Everyone has one share and owns a part of 'the Club' but the clever bit is that no one individual wields any more power than anyone else. The directors are non executive and their actions will no doubt be subject to scrutiny by the members and their postions subject to re-election at regular intervals. At this point I have to say that I believe the current board, management and players have done well to maintain the Club at national conference level despite obvious pressures. Under the new arrangement the 20k+ members decide who has done a good job not the job holders themselves. If the non execs are deemed by the member majority not to have performed they can be replaced at the appropriate time rather than being able to hang around, perhaps spoil the Club, just because of the size of their wallet, as has happened at other Clubs. On the subject of money, having a greater media profile and membership will bring in extra cash but the existing directors must be as certain as they can be that MyFC are in this for the long term rather than seeing it as a good bet until something else comes around. Presumably, this has already been discussed at great length and I hope that a fair price is being negotiated for the initial 51 per cent stake.


Turning to the subject of team selection who in their right mind believes that LD and AK will be forced into making decisions they don't agree with. We all have our favourite and not so favourite players but the manager or head coach has the ultimate responsibility as to who plays and that should not change. I'm sure that if common sense prevails it won't! If the head coach leaves the Club citing meddling fans etc as a reason for his departure te Club would in my opinion have great difficulty in attracting another coach of any great standing.


That's me done for now and if you've reached this far thanks for your attention.


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I think the only way that the members of MyFC could have a say in team selection would be through a random selection of a panel each week - that way you could clearly define who would have the opportunity to participate each week (say 500 people a week?). Although I'm suggesting this, I have to say I will always consider team selection should be the domain of the Head Coach.

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