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To the‘real’ fans of the club! - an apology


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Originally Posted By: Del_Boy
PaulyH's profile on MyFC....:-)


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I spend most my 'virtual' time on NCFC forums. In our state I have more important things to worry about (sorry). If my share is non transferable then so be it. I'll be a dormant member and hope my money does some good.

If you are trying to discredit me Del Boy then please keep trying. Most sensible people here will see its you with an alternative agenda not me. What ever happened to freedom of speech without someone trial to haul up some dirt on you. At least you've help prove that I am a member of MyFC and not some radical list trying to undermine the 'movement' I made a mistake, I've apologised.
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To the 'real' fans of Norwich City.....who apparently aren't going all that well at the moment.

Ask PaulyH why he didn't put the 35 quid into boosting Norwich City's coffers.

MFC site and Forums often debated the ethics and effects of 'taking over' another club.


Hang on Pauly....MFC II might consider Norwich City....hang on.

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Apart From Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal & Liverpool, then all other clubs can be considered to be "not doing very well"


I am sure that the "real" Norwich fans are concerned about their current position, however I am also sure that a) they have spent more than £35 and will continue to do so and B) would rebuff a MyFC style stitch up given the choice.


Of course, having not spoken to any "real" Norwich fans I do not know this for a fact ( talking to "real" fans.....what's all that about ?), but it is just a guess based on 40 plus years

of being a "real" football fan.

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I'm a 'real' Norwich fan and I'd take MyFC over the current debacle that is going on there. I have grave concerns for my team.


I dread to think how much money I've spent watching Norwich at home and away (and in europe!) over the past 23 years.


I have been reading this forum since the announcement was made (I'm a MyFc member) but have witheld from posting out of respect for the 'old' EUFC fans. There was a post on the MyFC site asking us not to post on here as there were a few idiots stirring things up. However, it seems that the dust is settling a bit and the fans who are still against the idea can at least chat with the 'new' fans. I guess that in any group of 20,000 people you will get a few idiots who want to stir things up. The beauty of MyFC is that they will get massively outvoted by the serious majority. Realistically, I think almost everyone will be going on what Liam Daish recommends regarding team selection etc.


I can only speak for myself, but for me, this is an opportunity to get emotionally invloved with another club. I can't wait to be standing on the terraces and learning about EUFC. I feel a little bit like I'm cheating on the mrs (Norwich) but they haven't exactly treated me well over the past few years! I went to uni in Brighton and live in Oxford and have tried getting behind those teams, but apart from living there, I had no real connection. No real reason to support them. With EUFC I do. I'm genuinely very excited about being a part of this, and want nothing but the best for the team/club/fans.


I hope to meet both 'welcomers' and 'doubters' at the Oxford match tomorrow over a few beers and chat about EUFC and MyFC and show everyone that we are serious about EUFC and that it can (and will) be a huge success.

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have to say fleety that the spin operation on this forum since the news broke has been a delight to behold.....all registered beforehand and ready to rock and roll...from the four corners of the earth to cover the forum 24/7 they came ....they flexed their fingers and awaited the signal to launch.....good guys...bad guys...agitators and negotiators and placaters...a man for every occasion and every post and indeed evry answer to every rant/question/concern....all copied and spun back through the expensive and sophisticated IT systems at brooks towers....


these guys know their stuff and knew exactly what to expect....an excellent and most admirable campaign...reminds me somewhat of an american presidential campaign or a multinational takeover...hold on....there are millions at stake in presidential campaigns and multi national takeovers....there is only a few hundred thousand at stake here.....


isn't there....? laugh

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Originally Posted By: JohnB
LOL - You are funny, Uncle Urchin.

sadly johnb I am not funny at all....but I am an experienced big game boy and I recognise the use of skilled and pre-planned spin operations...I have no view as to your takeover of the fleet.....(your money would have been refused at our club) but I do think that a little more transparency and a little less aimless following of comrade brooks's doctrines would have endeared you more to these decent estuary footie folk (except FF wired up to speed entertainer and fartarse that is) grin

I can be funny tho'.....I'll do a vaudevuille act for you if we get three points tomorrow......anyone want to start a footie thread about the fleet game at oxford manana? ......or do the footie IT infantry march onto the forum in their thousands to pundid the game on monday... cool
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Originally Posted By: American FLEET FAN No1
You are so right UU. I have at least three people who I think will become board members when this farce is finalised. How many have you got?

I already know who the propsed board members are...pm you later..

by the way have you noticed how the pretorians ignore my posts when I get near the mark......north korean like discipline...any normal footie fan would rip my forum head off... chainsaw
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