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Big J R

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thats where they should go, I agree, but not where DFCL seem to have put them.


There are lots of small shareholders unless they have all sold their shares to the collins recently, you are probably reading the directors or officers list.


Lots of Dorking folk bought shares.


enough of the company law for me already!


could you give your view on this as it makes no sense to me


DFCL is accused by its landlord of not maintaining the property correctly and yet shows in its accounts it has improved the property to the value of 60,000 pounds.


Instead of pointing that out it says it hasnt spent any money because it is unsure of how long it will be staying there.

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ok since 1982 or the last accounts showing the value was nil!



the question remains


DFCL is accused by its landlord of not maintaining the property correctly and yet shows in its accounts that since 1982 it has improved the property to the value of 60,000 pounds.


Instead of pointing that out it says it hasnt spent any money because it is unsure of how long it will be staying there.

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Originally Posted By: eye1
Also I looked at the shareholders list not the officers

I've replied o your PM
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