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Big J R

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Originally Posted By: eye1
£10,000 over a two year period is not a lot of money, and can easily be spent without any noticible differences.

The way you two are talking Black holes and things, Dorking FC is not a major PLC, but just a small club with the budget of a tiny corner shop. Get real?

Leashold Improvements £
1 June 2002 51,582
31 May 2003 51,582
1 June 2004 61,582
31 May 2005 61,582

So the 10k spent was between 31st May 2003 & 1 June 2004.


2002 £29,849
2003 £27,647
2004 £32,001
2005 £47,923

Administrative expenses

2002 (£14,697)
2003 (£13,942)
2004 (£21,817)
2005 (£22,353)


2002 £376
2003 £408
2004 £13,517
2005 £6,077

I assume the brackets mean something in the admin expenses, not an accountant, don't know.....
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The £60,000 also includes cash, and I would say that most Companies assets in England would not fetch what the accounts say, it is a way of lowering the corporation tax you pay.

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Originally Posted By: DorkingDave
You are probably right eye1, just bitter and twisted at being banned after following the club for more than a decade, home and away some seasons.

Would have liked my boys club to feed into DFC, that sort of thing.

Could you not try again?
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But why can't you all get together and find a way round this, I think it is in the best interest of all parties concerned now including fans. People are laughing at all of you now? sort it out

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that sort of thing dave yes but eye 1 is right when he says you need to see the books to get a full idea, profit and loss sheets.


DFCL publish only the bare necessities which is fair enough.


These leasehold improvements may be what the club has spent, but the accounts are saying that there is a value of 60000 for improvements.


now when you see what the club owes, it would need to be able to use that 60000 pounds if everyone asked for their money immediately.


it couldnt use that money as it doesnt really exist, so they are, as anyone would understand it, bust.





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The £60,000 also includes cash,


no it doesnt eye1 its leasehold improvements only



and I would say that most Companies assets in England would not fetch what the accounts say,


probably right but not to this extent 60 000 to zero!


it is a way of lowering the corporation tax you pay.


total tosh its a way of hiding the true value of the company.



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I'm not sure on the overvaluation but if no depreciation has been set against the assets then they probably will be overvalued that's why you then write down now and then, nothing dishonest, they have not got shareholders to show they are making a loss or profit.


It is mostly a taxation thing which most small companies always have a problem with.

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