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FAO Will Brooks

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Come on mate, tell us about yourself. I know you can read this. What's you back ground? I know you're a former sports journalist so I guess you had your spine amputated when you got that job so this seems right in line for you.


Legitimise this to me buddy, why buy an already existing club? Why not start up a new one? You could decide where in the country to place the club, what colour the kit is etc, it really will be a democracy.


Also what is to stop you from doing this to us in the future? If enough of the 20,000 people vote to move the club to the Isle of Man will you push it through?


I just can't see why you want to do this to us? We have a debt that will need to be paid off, or "refinanced". If you started off a new club lower down the pyramid then your £700,000 would go a whole lot further plus if it all went tits up then it wouldn't really matter as the club was invented as a money making scheme and not a club with 60 years of history behind it.


Something here doesn't add up and I'm looking rather suspiciously in your direction my friend but then can you blame me?


I understand that you may not want to answer the questions on here but I would be happy to meet with you and hear your opinions and talk about it over a pint, mines a Guinness, you're buying.


So if you want to meet up and talk about it then email me at pauljarvis5001@hotmail.com

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I don't Will Brooks is in a position to talk to you at the moment Harry - but I would expect that at some stage over the next few weeks there will be more communication between MyFC administrators and the ST and supporters. Remember due diligence will take 6-8 weeks.


On the issue of MyFC founding a club -


Again this is an issue that has been debated on the MyFC forum. The reality is that no matter where MyFC was to go, it is inevitable that it would step on someones toes. To pose a question is a tier 5 club more important than a tier 7 or a tier or a tier 12 club?


In reality it is not. MyFC at this point has taken on a momentum of its own. Will Brooks had no idea how it would develop and if he walked away tomorrow morning there are 20,000+ people who would want to keep it going.


and MyFC will not be moving any club anywhere other than where it exists right now - it goes against the very ethos of MyFC. A poll was conducted on which club MyFC would least like to take over and MK Dons won by a preverbial mile. A couple of people suggested we take them over and move them back to Wimbledon until it was pointed out that there is a thriving club in AFC Wimbledon.


As for 're-financing' - I wouldn't be surprised if this was included to keep the legal people happy. We will have a far better idea when the due diligence process is completed. Given the level of debt indicated so far - it is well within the financial resources of MyFC to manage without any re-financing.

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Originally Posted By: doheochai

and MyFC will not be moving any club anywhere other than where it exists right now - it goes against the very ethos of MyFC. A poll was conducted on which club MyFC would least like to take over and MK Dons won by a preverbial mile. A couple of people suggested we take them over and move them back to Wimbledon until it was pointed out that there is a thriving club in AFC Wimbledon.

MyFC is little better than MK Dons, so please don't get on some high horse about it being "against your very ethos"
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Originally Posted By: Stu M
Originally Posted By: Harry J Allstars

I thought Wallis Park already was a gulag?

A stalag it was I think... but it's being upgraded to a gulag with the infusion of new cash.

MyChavInfestedShitHole.co.uk? you decide what burnt out cars go where, what windows are boarded up, where the needles are placed etc. I can really see it taking off, especially in the Dartford area.
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How I read it MyFc members who paid there £35 have not bought a share in EUFC, they have bought a share in a society that will own EUFC. Which they will be allowed to vote on the running of, now where does it state the voted will be acted on etc, but they will be allowed. Sorry another cut and paste.


My Football Club Society Limited is an Industrial and Provident Society, the same structure as Supporters Trusts at other football clubs. It is registered with the Financial Services Authority (registration number 30275R) and has approximately 20,000 members from the UK and around the world.


For an annual membership fee of £35, each member owns one share in the Trust. Through the website www.myfootballclub.co.uk members will vote on all the major decisions affecting the football club, both on and off the pitch. From the annual £35 membership fee, £27.50 goes into the football club and £7.50 goes towards operating the members’ website.


Members can only own one share, they cannot sell their share and nor do they receive dividends. It means that money is invested into the football club, and not taken out.


The Important bit being


For an annual membership fee of £35, each member owns one share in the Trust.

Not in the club the trust buys, its that word trust again sorry


Thats how I read it anyway


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