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A tragedy in football


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Hi being a fan of a fellow blue square premier team (cambridge united) i came to vent my feelings regarding the travesty of a so called 'business' deal your board have agreed to.


I can't apologise enough for my initial feeling of thank god it wasn't Cambridge that got lumbered with this. Then that feeling was replaced with guilt and sorrow as i realised that it meant someone elses passion, their reason for loving the weekend was being used for a social experiment for armchair know nothings and prepubescent, spotty, champ manager playing goons.


I hope to god it works for you because if/when it goes belly up a club like yourselves with no investors left to back the club will simply slide into the football graveyard never to be seen again.


Genuinely i wish you all the best, I can't imagine how sick most of you are feeling right now knowing that your club is in the hands of 20,000 people who whether they'd admit it or not are completely and utterly out of their depth already. 20,000 people who are all having different ideas of what the future holds for their 'investment' and don't have any concept of the hurt it will cause the longstanding fans who eat, sleep and breathe EUFC.

20,000 people of which maybe a few hundred will pass through the gates and actually take an 'active' interest instead of sitting behind a monitor waiting for a 'report' on who looks good in the manager/head coaches view before picking people completely different to play because they think they know better.


Even down to worrying about how many women have signed up for this experiment and will pick someone because they look good, it's such a sad day for football and something i hope won't destroy you.


Ladies please don't be offended there are many knowledgable women out their when it comes to football but i have met a lot of women that just see football as a way to spot men in shorts.


Sorry for my long post,


Honestly wish you the best of luck, I personally believe you are going to need it.

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