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A message for the 20,000

John Pearce

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Originally Posted By: Mackster

If all the genuine supporters had a vote and MyFc was approved, fair enough, but it appears that virtually all genuine supporters are against it. So why doesn't MyFc have a rethink and come back and say the takeover should only go ahead if approved by a majority of Gravesend supporters.

Surely for an organisation that is against the over-commercialisation of football, the Ridsdale's and is for a new democratic approach to football you owe them this.

Spot on mate.

Their talk of democracy is a complete sham if they don't let that happen
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Originally Posted By: Mackster
I may be naive in thinking that the board are the custodian's of the club, but this "you approached us" is certainly not representative of the supporters of Gravesend who have never been consulted about MyFC.

If all the genuine supporters had a vote and MyFc was approved, fair enough, but it appears that virtually all genuine supporters are against it. So why doesn't MyFc have a rethink and come back and say the takeover should only go ahead if approved by a majority of Gravesend supporters.

Surely for an organisation that is against the over-commercialisation of football, the Ridsdale's and is for a new democratic approach to football you owe them this.

As an irritant from a rival club (Exeter), I feel i have more reason to be on here than you. I've put money into the club through the gate, bought programmes and burgers, I've even been to a few games at Stonebridge when Exeter are not playing. Therefore I've spent more than the £35 you've put in. Hope to see you at the Ramsgate game next week

Thank you for that, my thoughts exactly. All this talk about stopping the big bad boards from ruining the game, well, they have just helped that happen here.

Football fans my @r$e. I wouldn't be part of doing this to somebody else's club for anything.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
Originally Posted By: Halifax Town Fan

Actually, our ex-chairman approached MFC in an attempt to hurry potential investors through the due diligence process. There was never any real danger of the winding-up order coming into force.

If you read the report by Shaymandownsouth (who was involved in the discussions) in the Halifax fanzine you will see that the possibility of a takeover of Halifax Town by MyFC was actually an awful lot closer than anyone thought at the time. The takeover of Halifax had stalled for over a year (and still isn't complete from what I understand) - yes the approach by Ralph to MyFC may have kick-started the process again - but the facts suggest that there was a lot more going on than trying to force the hand of the existing consortium.

So? The reason for the approach was self-serving - as were most of the other 'goings-on' you mention.

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Not that many Ebbsflet fans have, in reality, posted on this board today, and whilst there are quite a few against the idea, there are also quite a number who have expressed the positives, and many others who have effectively (like myself) said they are reserving judgement at this stage.Stating "virtually all genuine supporters are against it" could be hard to back up with figures.

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Originally Posted By: chris blanc

Thank you for that, my thoughts exactly. All this talk about stopping the big bad boards from ruining the game, well, they have just helped that happen here.

Football fans my @r$e. I wouldn't be part of doing this to somebody else's club for anything.

Pretty much sums it up.

If they go ahead with this without consulting the fans properly and democratically, then they're doing what they accuse every other board of doing - not caring about the fans.

If thats the case, then really what is the raison d'etre of MyFC?
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I'm a MyFC member (there that's the AA bit out of the way), I wouldn't presume to try and persuade you why you need to fall in love with us straight away, just like to say I hope you take the chance to get to know what we're really all about just as we would hope to get to know you, in time.


I hope you'll all join up to MyFC, I know that may sound cheeky as you've already supported YOUR club for probably most of your lives, after all I've been reading just how passionate you feel about YOUR club, but I have a feeling that this deal is going to go through and I don't think theres one member of MyFC who wants to take your club away from you. I understand some of the negative points that are being made and why, but I honestly believe there are far more positive ones that you just won't want to take into account at the moment.


If you believe that £35 is too much to pay to have a say in the things you have probably wished you could have every saturday at 4.45pm even if you have been buying tickets and "own" the club already as lifelong fans then I'm sorry. But have a think on it please, I know it's already your club but whether you like it or not you've just gained 20,000 plus supporters who need educating, someones's going to have to do it.

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Originally Posted By: John Pearce
From someone who has supported the 'Fleet thru the good times and the bad times, I have only one message......

As you may have read you have already alienated the clubs true supporters and made the club a laughing stock so would you just F*ck Off and take your money elsewhere!

Eh... no.
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