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Gordon T

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i didnt mind the name change, but now the club is ruined. all you 20,000 new "owners" can f*#k off. I@d rather see my club go bust then let you "own" it. How can you ever think that you own and know whats best for my club?????


Your not a manager, your not a coach. your not a scout. How dyu think that playin a football manager gives you the right to ruin a foootball club????

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Originally Posted By: Gordon T
i didnt mind the name change, but now the club is ruined. all you 20,000 new "owners" can f*#k off. I@d rather see my club go bust then let you "own" it. How can you ever think that you own and know whats best for my club?????

Your not a manager, your not a coach. your not a scout. How dyu think that playin a football manager gives you the right to ruin a foootball club????

Yeah, but we are now your owner, look mate, i appreciate your concern, but at least have a look at the MyFC concept, i think you will find that we are passionate football fans, we are here for the long run, this isn't about money, this is about the love of the game.

In fact, if we were to sell the club all the money goes to charity, so we can make no money out of this. You might also note we are a 'not for profit' organisation, which means any profit is invested back into the club, not taken by a greedy share holder.

Think of it this way, today Ebbsfleet has gone from a small team in North West Kent that no one had ever heard of, into the stratosphere, it's probably the most written about club on the planet today... food for thought no?
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Steady on. Let's not be rude with our opinions. We have a duty to demonstrate a rational view of the situation. New people are visiting this forum and surely we should bid a good welcome to them. Let's make the effort to be civil in expressing our views but accepting that there will be differences in them.

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I can only imagine the frustration, especially given how quickly the story exploded into the press today. Neither the MyFC members nor the supporters of EUFC had any idea this was the announcement coming, or that it was coming right now.


But it has come, and I'd like to see both groups get past the name calling and antagonism and start thinking about the club's future. Barring something unexpected in the due diligence process, the deal's already been agreed.


Why don't we put the hostility aside (your hostility that we're somehow responsible for all the changes at your club that led to this movement by the current board, and our hostility at being derided by people who know as little about MyFC as we do about EUFC) and start considering what's best for the future growth of the club.


I know that the average MyFC member is willing to bend over backwards to try to partner with the current supporters to make this work rather than make you feel you've been shoved out. But unfounded personal insults won't win a lot of goodwill coming from you, anymore than the prats who posted taunts about your club made you happy earlier today. Let's get beyond that.


I am still hoping one of the long-term supporters will say something helpful to give us a viewpoint on the current squad. A member or two did finally name their starting 11, but I'd like to know what you see as the strengths and weaknesses. Where can whatever money MyFC has to invest in January be put into the squad the most usefully?

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Originally Posted By: rsheard
I can only imagine the frustration, especially given how quickly the story exploded into the press today. Neither the MyFC members nor the supporters of EUFC had any idea this was the announcement coming, or that it was coming right now.

But it has come, and I'd like to see both groups get past the name calling and antagonism and start thinking about the club's future. Barring something unexpected in the due diligence process, the deal's already been agreed.

Why don't we put the hostility aside (your hostility that we're somehow responsible for all the changes at your club that led to this movement by the current board, and our hostility at being derided by people who know as little about MyFC as we do about EUFC) and start considering what's best for the future growth of the club.

I know that the average MyFC member is willing to bend over backwards to try to partner with the current supporters to make this work rather than make you feel you've been shoved out. But unfounded personal insults won't win a lot of goodwill coming from you, anymore than the prats who posted taunts about your club made you happy earlier today. Let's get beyond that.

I am still hoping one of the long-term supporters will say something helpful to give us a viewpoint on the current squad. A member or two did finally name their starting 11, but I'd like to know what you see as the strengths and weaknesses. Where can whatever money MyFC has to invest in January be put into the squad the most usefully?

The BIG and I mean effing BIG difference between MyFC and the Fleet fans is this... You WANTED to take over and own a smaller club, the Fleet fans DONT WANT this.
Too many MyFC 'members' (that word works on sooo many levels) have posted here today, giving it the Big I Am, "this is our club now, nothing to do with you", that the few sensible ones of you have no chance of being accepted.
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
The BIG and I mean effing BIG difference between MyFC and the Fleet fans is this... You WANTED to take over and own a smaller club, the Fleet fans DONT WANT this.
Too many MyFC 'members' (that word works on sooo many levels) have posted here today, giving it the Big I Am, "this is our club now, nothing to do with you", that the few sensible ones of you have no chance of being accepted.

I know and understand. I cringe every time I read another mindless post. But over time I hope you'll discover that the "typical" MyFC member is nothing like that. Thay're as passionate about football (and their own local clubs) as you are rightfully passionate about EUFC. MyFC doesn't want to steal or squeeze out that passion. MyFC wants to join it. Ignore the nonsense posts--even if they're written by me. Please, however, see MyFC's overall goal for what it is and not for what one power-demented member may spout off.
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Yes, every member could choose his or her preference when they paid the 35 pounds. My choice changed several times since August as I read and learned more. I'm the first to admit I didn't know much about EUFC leading up to the announcement. Most of the members were sure it was Woking or York for many weeks. Living in the States, I didn't have a regional consideration so I genuinely didn't mind which club it was as long as it matched well with the MyFC criteria. The more I learn about EUFC in this first long day, the more I think it was an inspired choice. I don't even care now what the other 7 clubs were that approached MyFC.

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I'd just like to say i hope that this all works out well for all concerned and without a doubt more so for the fans of EUFC. Im a fully signed up member of MyFC and i think we should all stick together for the future sake of OUR club. It is certainly be a time of change for EUFC and hopefully for football in general

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It was always understood that the voting preferences were secondary to feasibility and matching the stated MyFC purchase criteria. Some of the voting table were never feasible.


Stu, I believe you're right. Essentially all of the Conference sides were "in the hat" when we learned more about the costs of clubs at different levels. EUFC shot up the rankings today as everyone on the site wanted to show support of the decision, I expect. The membership is very enthusiastic from what I can tell from today's traffic. (We fried our own message boards quickly.)

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thanks, im not happy and its our board of directors im not happy with,theyve come up with a lot of fans who have no history of this club.how many of you will be around when the going gets tough,having the money to buy players doesnt mean success.ive been a fleet fan for 46 years,for better or worse.when the majority of you have tired of this game and gone, who will be left to pick up the pieces.

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Originally Posted By: rsheard
It was always understood that the voting preferences were secondary to feasibility and matching the stated MyFC purchase criteria. Some of the voting table were never feasible.

Stu, I believe you're right. Essentially all of the Conference sides were "in the hat" when we learned more about the costs of clubs at different levels. EUFC shot up the rankings today as everyone on the site wanted to show support of the decision, I expect. The membership is very enthusiastic from what I can tell from today's traffic. (We fried our own message boards quickly.)

Thanks rsheard for being a voice of reason. I'd hate this to happen to my club but if we can prove to EUFC supporters that we mean well we can all make the best of this. TBH if people pay £35 to make uninformed/bad descions i'd be very suprised
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Originally Posted By: WillSmith
Thanks rsheard for being a voice of reason. I'd hate this to happen to my club but if we can prove to EUFC supporters that we mean well we can all make the best of this. TBH if people pay £35 to make uninformed/bad descions i'd be very suprised

You'd hate it to be YOUR club but it's ok for it to be somebody else's?

Oh the irony of it.
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