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bye everyone


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after another pathetic performance i have decided to not waste money watching a team that dosnt seem to care and a clib that is totally out of touch with its supporters.i saw a group of kids turned away from the ground simply because they were carrying a ball and i just read frankies comments on his car parking problem.we get no updates on whats going on ,the programme is a didgrace and the atmosphere in the ground is non existant.the club need a total shake up from top to bottom.it seems football is bottom of the list now its only the new devolpment that matters. the manager needs to go ,he is out of his depth im afraid he hasnt enough contacts and knowledge of the game.i have seen most home games and many away for over 40 years and i find this all very sad, but the entertainment value is now nil its just very depressing to see a once top non league club sink to these depths.i know im not alone with these feelings you just have to look at last nights gate.anyway rant over bye for now STSVE

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Originally Posted By: styx45
the programme is a didgrace

I wish you would tell me what aspects of the programme you think are a disgrace. Since I took back over I have regularly asked for feedback on good and bad points so I can improve it where necesary but have had very little feedback and certainly nothing from you to say what I could improve.
If I do not know what people do not like I cannot take steps to improve it but when I am told I can make things better, like earlier this season when I was told that the colours on the back cover made it hard to write in the team changes. As soon as it was pointed out I changed the line-ups section to predominently white.
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Come on Steve,"through thick & thin","for the good times & the bad" and all that!. We should ALWAYS be there no matter what,if & when we can!

I know you are upset & frustrated like most of us are at times but we have to still continue to support the club through the turnstiles. I'm sure you don't really mean what you are saying.You are of course a long standing supporter of this club & I know you will continue to be so!

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Completely ignore it Steve. I did try to phone you in support of the excellent prog. This was before i read that stuff!!


How you get one out in two days beggers belief. The third place award was merited. Don't forget that Steve, andremember you can't please everyone all the time Even the great CK had his critics even on the day we led the conf.(18th Sept.2001)I stood next to him!!!!!!!!!

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The kids wernt turned away the ball was kept in the stewards hut untill after the game . This was because of complaints from our supporters . Frankie was asked to move his car after trying to park where the new entrance to car park is . This was to make sure that the emergecy services have access to the side gate , should they need it .

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Steve programme is fine,,,take no notice..


its the players that are the problem,,,

Rob Howarth cant head under pressure, is fine when on his own but watch and see saturday how many times he actually wins a header against an opponent,, had he won the header at the leamington corner the goal would not have arisen.


Watson ???? best thing he done all night was limp off.


sorry but thats the way i see it


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Originally Posted By: the saint
The kids wernt turned away the ball was kept in the stewards hut untill after the game . This was because of complaints from our supporters . Frankie was asked to move his car after trying to park where the new entrance to car park is . This was to make sure that the emergecy services have access to the side gate , should they need it .

As the place I was parking was not restricted as near the existing park fencing and the space left was the length of 1 and a half coaches PLUS two cars were allowed to park there after me I think I will ensure the problem never occurs again and stop going to matches.
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It is just a pity that the stewards do not busy themselves by stopping people smoking where they are not permitted to ie in the stand or have they been banned from going near it.


As stated elsewhere they do not have the authority to stop people parking on the highway.

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Originally Posted By: candc

Rob Howarth cant head under pressure, is fine when on his own but watch and see saturday how many times he actually wins a header against an opponent,, had he won the header at the leamington corner the goal would not have arisen.

Rob wasnt up to his usual form on Tuesday I grant you & yes he should have been first to the ball when the guy put the original header towards goal but though off form & even in this game,he still managed quite a few knock-ons,WITH being under pressure from the defender on his back. Trouble is,the way we played on Tuesday we were relying on that all too often.Its pointless having knock-ons if no-one is going to bother to be there to collect them. Rob,though not in tip top form on Tuesday was still winning balls in the air but more importantly than that he was chasing every ball as he always does & trying his heart out! That direct approach didn't work out on the night & we need to get back to playing more football on the ground,BUT for goodness sake the players need to be more positive with their passing.Too many were either over-hit or woefully short.
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