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Todays Paper.

BlueGate Alan

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Big article on the back page re 5 a side pitches. Although opening on 3rd December, the offical launch is 9th December. Guests to include, Ian Rush. Paul Parker, Neville Southall, Rob Lee, Warren Barton, Tony Cottee, Mark Bright and Neil Ruddock.


There will be a 32 team knock out and the last 8 teams will be managed by one of the above greats. Then the 2 final teams will mix with the stars for a 60 minute 11 a side game on the main pitch. There will then be a questions and answers session in the Hartsdown club with a buffet. The whole day is free of charge.



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Credit where credit is due-that is quite a line up of yesterdays men.


One assumes they are charging for their services,and i just hope the club gets a return on their investment from the opening and subsequent bookings/publicity.


can't quite see how the maths works personally and looks like a loss on the event coming up to me; but hope i'm wrong.




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Of course there will be a loss if they are making no charge for admission. Even if all the staff and guests don't charge they won't get the food for the buffet for nothing will they, or the light and heat to use a fairly well known accountancy phrase.


For heavens sake, at least something is happening so why not be positive and encourage others to support the event and lose that negative attitude.

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And I hope that more attend the event than were at Dreamland last night say goodbye to the cinema.

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TA-it was an observation-not a criticism;-does it not say-'credit where credit due'-and i really hope they win on field and off field;and as you suggest, that the bar takings overcome any loss on the intial marketing/PR outlay.

Looks a bit touch and go to me though.



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No doubt the event will have been accounted for in the initial development figures

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And advertising, probably.


I think it's known as speculating to accumulate, as Frankie intimated earlier.



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Thinking a bit more clearly, you are i suspect right BB.

There will have been a 'launch budget allocated'.


In any case, are'nt the 5-a -sides being developed/owned by Margate and Hartsdown Devpmnt Co;as opposed to MFC so it will be out of a different pot anyway;which will leave any money in the football club for RT to get his two urgently needed defenders as he finally recognised and declared 3 weeks ago.

I see those flying pigs again.

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This was explained at the last open meeting, which Mr lever(the developer) attended. Unfortunatly i cannot remember exactly what was said.

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