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I am Spartacus

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Hang on Bob we pays our money and are entitled to complain if we feel something is wrong.


I will moan at ANY ref I feel is showing bias, or is crap at whatever level of football I watch

The chap we had at Folkestone should have at least had a word with the Invictia players involved with retaliation against Jay's original foul and the raised fist by the second player.

Yes Dean should not have been involved and was rightly sent off but he was not the only one who should have walked.


Also feel entitled to moan at the time about the ref at Fisher game and the one at Staines who were generally poor.



Likewise if I feel a Margate player is not performing to his best I will have a go there too.



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Originally Posted By: Frankie100
Hang on Bob we pays our money and are entitled to complain if we feel something is wrong.

I will moan at ANY ref I feel is showing bias, or is crap at whatever level of football I watch
The chap we had at Folkestone should have at least had a word with the Invictia players involved with retaliation against Jay's original foul and the raised fist by the second player.
Yes Dean should not have been involved and was rightly sent off but he was not the only one who should have walked.

Also feel entitled to moan at the time about the ref at Fisher game and the one at Staines who were generally poor.

Likewise if I feel a Margate player is not performing to his best I will have a go there too.

Actually Styx45, although that was a good post by Frankie he totally missed the fact that my post was taking the p1ss.
My point, some on here won't say anything against club decisions, the manager or players when they are sh1te for they are doing their best which according to their logic we shouldn't say anything against anyone who is doing their best.
Some of us talk like football fans really do talk and some just like schmoozing round players, manager etc..
We have lost one of our brighter and honest posters on here in Hornet today because he talks like a football supporter does.
It isn't all "tally ho old boy better luck next time with your penalty taking". It's more like "call that a f^cking penalty, my three year old could do better with a blindfold on".

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It isn't all "tally ho old boy better luck next time with your penalty taking". It's more like "call that a f^cking penalty, my three year old could do better with a blindfold on".




As is "You are a f'ing cr@p ref my grannie can do a better job than you and she died in 1978"


And contrary to popular rumours I do not want to marry Justin Skinner....................just live with him will do!!!!

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This is a great forum. The welshbobs and hornets and steves of the world are not satisfied with insulting the team and players and everyone connected to the club they have to insult fans that do not hold the same views as them. But if you argue your corner they spout out about free speech and all that cr*p. What they really mean is they are allowed to say anything they like, however unpleasant or untrue, but you cannot. And if you do try and put a reasoned argument across watch out, because they bend and twist and warp what you say until it fits their peculiar agenda.

It is well-nigh impossible to have any kind of decent conversation on here, without it being hi-jacked by the moaners or the swearers or the miseries. All of whom I might add are complete dinosaur misogynists, posessed of scant finesse, no politeness or class, and totally devoid of any humour or humanity.

Please stay on here and spout your vitriol.

Not one of them would have the b*lls to say to anyone's face the insulting things they get away with on here hiding behind their little name tags and their cosy swearing club.

Most of them don't even go and watch the games they talk so knowlegably about, and if they do, have nothing to say about the football played, because their interest doesn't actually lie there. It's all about how 'ard they are, and what bullies they are, and how they can shoot down anyone who tries to get a bit of pleasure out of their sport. Big men eh?


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Originally Posted By: Ian_Sanderson
Classic reason why woman should be kept out of Football

MF accuses us of not having a sense of humour, that's rich. Your posts do make me laugh, but not for their sense of humour content. Hypocrisy at it's best here, saying all we want to do is berate the players ( rightly so in some instances ) when all she wants to do is say how wonderful they are "all" the time. If the team has been brilliant the likes of myself, Styx, sadly no longer Hornet as you've bullied him off here ( something you accuse others of lol! ) will be on here discussing the good play that made a decent performance, an individuals piece of genius, a consistant passer of the ball etc... If we watch a substandard game we analyse why-crap pass from Bagley straight to a CheLmsford player, Deanos pathetic penalty versus Thurrock etc.. IT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS.
Also MF big words do not make you more intelligent than anybody else, certainly not me. You after all are the person who thinks Standen is intelligent and he lets his fists do the talking.
I have never been in trouble in forty years of going to football. All I do is talk about the game to my mates who are like minded like blokes do on a Saturday afternoon. It's all about opinions. What I don't need is some woman telling me what to say or think ( although it appears that is a womans soul mission in life ). Bloody hypocrite.
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I wouldn't worry about Hornet, he has just had a little hissy fit and stomped off in a huff because I, amongst some people, took exception to something he said. He'll be back.

It is no use arguing about how you have yet again warped and twisted everything to fit your particular prejudices and preferences. I can agree to differ, which is something you seem to have a particular problem with. It is all about opinions, but you have no place for mine, and seem to feel that, instead of having a debate, you have to fight to the death or abuse someone until they withdraw. I could comment on all the rubbish seen every week if I were that way inclined, but I tend to accentuate the positive - why is that so hard to accept?

If you have to be a bloke who has watched the team for 40 years to have the right to comment on how one sees things from one's own perspective it is no wonder that gates and support are dwindling.

By the way, I like to talk to my mates about football too. But you can rest assured that the last person I would ever wish to have a conversation with would be you. And as for telling you what to do, well, that would mean some level of interaction with a person who holds absolutely no significance in my life, and whose opinion of me personally is not sought, or accepted.


You are going on ignore now too, because I could not care less what snidey little comments you could possibly make from here on in.

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Not that I am condoning Deano's actions but it says in todays paper he was ill and was only playing to do a team a favour. Probably explains why he was a bit quiet throughtout the game, apart from at the end of course! Also says that he was fined and Trotty says he knows he let me down, the team down and everybody down.

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