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The Margate Drum


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Couldnt be bothered to log in to their site but I take it that they do not want our lovely drum at the game?? GOOD REASON TO TAKE IT AND MAKE 90 MINUTES OF RACKET IF YOU ASK ME!!!

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Following a meeting with Board memebers Today, I have been asked to cordially ask the Margate travelling fans to leave the Drum and any other musical instruments behind.Whilst we welcome all of our away fans to the windmill ground,we are subject to an OFFICIAL noise abatement order,served upon us by the local council,we MUST abide by those rules,nobody agrees with it but they are the rules.


please feel free to enjoy yourselves with tasteful banter and singing,as our fans will,but you will not be allowed on the ground with the drum(or instruments).


I hope you understand our predicament(as our fans do) I have a job to do on match days,ensuring everyones safety and compliance.


Kev H

LFC Safety Officer

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Looking at your ground (below) & its location,who is that a drum,or any noise for that matter,would be most annoying to?...Home spectators? Or does the photograph not show the whole picture?


(scroll down to middle picture)


Quote "The major sticking point remains a question posed by local community groups concerning crowd noise on match days and Warwick District Council, quite rightly, has a duty to consider views from all those it represents, not just Leamington FC. Clearly the club has a view but is mindful of the need to maintain good relations with all of its neighbours as well. So, though progress may appear slow at times, in the context of the club's future good relations within its community the club believes that it will prove time well spent".

Mick Brady (Chairman)»


I have to ask. What neighbours?"

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This is officialdom gone mad. I can see this being enough to stop some fans travelling.


On the other hand, aren't we fortunate at HDP?

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Originally Posted By: Frankie100
For the moment.

If that [****!!****] living over the road had his way we would be closed down along with the cricket club at the bottom of the hill and Hartsdown School (OK some good would come out of it)

How do you get [****!!****] from typing in @rse???

Bearing in mind that the football club and Hartsdown School were both in situ long before the house the prat bought was built, and the club certainly was there long before he was born. So why did he buy the bloody house in the first place.
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Originally Posted By: Sean_Brakes
There often is sheep in the field. And again, this is from the council, not the club.

Oh it IS about the sheeps welfare then wink laugh

At the end of the day its not about how many "bangs" on the drum is made its more about how many goals the team can "bang" into the net that counts.

I'm sure we all appreciate its the councils decision but its still a Baa-rmy one nevertheless,from what I can see.
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Originally Posted By: Cookie
Originally Posted By: Sean_Brakes
There often is sheep in the field. And again, this is from the council, not the club.

Oh it IS about the sheeps welfare then wink laugh

At the end of the day its not about how many "bangs" on the drum is made its more about how many goals the team can "bang" into the net that counts.

I'm sure we all appreciate its the councils decision but its still a Baa-rmy one nevertheless,from what I can see.

Taffy Alan is up country at the moment, don't suppose he has anything to do with the sheep protection order do you? devil
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Originally Posted By: AncientBlue

Bearing in mind that the football club and Hartsdown School were both in situ long before the house the prat bought was built, and the club certainly was there long before he was born. So why did he buy the bloody house in the first place.

I expect he thought some SHEEP would be put be in the field next to his house & that that would help his cause! ha ha
Now it seems he is the only black sheep in that road now!
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