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Dorking FC Discussion Board.

Big J R

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Blige me !


I go off to check daughter house and dogs and this thread goes ballistic.


RIGHT THEN .......


It was announced in the Tuesday night programme that our new sponsors are Templar Publishing.


They are a big children’s publishing company based in Dorking.


Their full details and advertising will be in this Saturdays programme.


Our Under 18's side is, and always has been running as I'm sure El Guffer will be able to confirm from this years PSF's.


The Official DFC web-site has recently been changed to show our new sponsors.


As far as I am aware, anybody can now access the web-site and if any of you have problems, please PM me so that I can look into the situation.

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but it was just today bjr you said talks were ongoing and you hadnt heard! didnt you get a ray of light to tell you?


Did the dorking ad miss it? I couldnt find it.


and apart from Keltbray being deleted and templar getting added this afternoon there is diddly on the website.


the u18 side hasnt "always" been running.


I wish them well in the SYL this year and the team every success on Saturday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Big JR


I can't seem to log on to the Dorking Message Board as I am banned.

You mentioned in this post before that Mr Collins believes anybody should be able to view it. If that is the case could you sort this out as my crystal balls are unable to do this.


Anyone else still banned from the site?


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To be honest, I haven't seen or spoken to RC for over a couple of weeks now, however I will pass your query to the relevant people this morning.


I trust this suffices.

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the site reports they lost 5-2 and 3-1 over the holiday and thats three on the trot in which "we woz robbed!"

website says:


"Manager Tony Webb will point to the fact that he is still searching for his best 11 and will take comfort from the fact that performances on the whole have held up, giving promise for the short to medium term"


I remember the quote in the Ad about this years squad being so good he didnt need any of last years players.

He's got one and he is skipper. Mr Webb will do well to hold onto him as he gets the blame for one of the goals on the site.


Searching for his best 11 (!) perhaps the board can give him directions to Banstead fc.

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Thanks spursfan. You beat me to it this morning.


We were due to play Guildford City, but they are involved in the FA Cup.


Match arranged by Tony Webb.

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Originally Posted By: Park Boy
Big JR

I can't seem to log on to the Dorking Message Board as I am banned.
You mentioned in this post before that Mr Collins believes anybody should be able to view it. If that is the case could you sort this out as my crystal balls are unable to do this.

Anyone else still banned from the site?

'bout time they had a decent forum here by the sounds of it wink
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