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Live Matches on Setanta Sports

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Taken from the Grays forum via Confguide is the following regarding the Friday highlights program - if the clubs have to pay the Cameraman themselves for getng coverage on Setanta, it looks like it could cos up to £10000 a season.


"Just been speaking to quite a few Blue Sq. Prem. club cameramen, and the latest news going round is that to get out of this mess, Setanta are now letting local ITV regions pay for the cameramen, and then both companies share the footage for their highlights programmes. In ITV's case, this will be on local news bulletins only.

However, the only ITV region that have taken that offer up so far are West Country Live (for Exeter, Torquay & Weymouth Home matches).


I e-mailed my contact at Meridian TV yesterday and he told me they are no longer interested in showing 'Non-League' on their local news bulletins, so that rules out Ebbsfleet, Woking, Salisbury, Aldershot & Crawley Home matches.

According to http://www.itvregions.com/ Grays is just about inside the London TV area, although Meridian have sent cameramen to the Rec before and/or used my footage.

I think we all know that London won't be interested in 'Non-League'...they never have been, so as far as I can see there is no chance of me getting paid by a TV company whatsoever, so it's now being left up to the club.


The same goes for most other Blue Sq. Prem club cameramen at the moment.

Some clubs whose local ITV regions are not interested have now agreed to pay their cameramen extra to get their highlights on Setanta in preference to paying increased player wages (we will all find out who they are on Friday evening when we watch the show), but others have not.


To answer Jords question, it depends on the camera being used how much TV companies are prepared to pay for footage.

For the cameras that most of us club cameramen have, we need a minimum payment of £150 per match to make ends meet, but the usual going rate in the TV industry for a one-camera shoot is £350 per match...and there are some club cameramen in the Blue Square Premier who use those top of the range cameras for which that fee is necessary.


By the way, I will have no complaints at all if the club are not prepared to pay me the necessary amount to give Setanta footage. It's not their fault and they should never have been put in this position in the first place.

Setanta and the Conference are already being bombarded with protests from supporters/Setanta subscribers about this, and they're the ones to blame.


It will be interesting to see what happens after Friday's show.2


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