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Barron A Line Under


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Well I have to say I have been encouraged by the comments from fans and players regarding Karl’s ability and future potential, on behalf of Karl I would like to thank Mark Weatherly & Steve for last season, and all of the reserve players that made watching good football even better thank you and I wish you all the best this season.


Regarding Karl and his move to Ramsgate just a couple of facts Karl did miss two training sessions through injury two out of eight, and the comments regarding turning up at games with injury excuses are not in fact true however its fair to say he has enjoyed pre season but managers are managers and have to come to their own conclusions regarding players. Sometimes they can see something in a player within a week or so sometimes not, managers are there for the good things they do and the bad things they may have done you cannot win!


Ramsgate have offered Karl a chance to progress that he has taken that opportunity rather than returning to reserve team football as requested to do, time will tell, but he was not released. He now has a two-year deal and will try to repay the belief Ramsgate have shown in him.


I wish all the players progressing through he Margate ranks the best of luck in the coming season.


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Yes many thanks Bug. Thankyou for your honesty and, levelheadeness. It seems to me that Karl had 2 choices and made his own choice. I just hope it was the right one. Best of Luck to him and you never know we could still see him in a Blue shirt (be it QPR or Margate etc) in the future.





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Thanks Bug, was a pleasure to see Karl playing last season and only time will tell whether he made the right decision, but I wish him the best of luck.

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