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Wellsie, an idea.


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Hope you don't think I am being presumptuous, but seeing that the Gate Chat programme is coming up on Thursday, and reading about the amount of disquiet there seems to be among the fans, perhaps some time and an MFC Official on the programme might help to bridge the evident gulf between supporters and club we seem to have right now?

On both sides an effort should be made to sort this issue out. We should all be pulling together in the same direction, really, I don't like the atmosphere at the moment, I cannot be alone in that.

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Agree-an absolute essential,and you have to start somewhere; but alot more than one radio interview needs to be done.


Consistency is the key.


One press release four weeks ago-then nothing.


Its not so much that no info is being transmitted, but the deep seated belief that no-one cares.

Its not the hard facts.

Its the emotional side of it-the respect, the care.


People buy on emotion,not facts.


Customers need assuring that the Bof D care about them and MFC.


Maybe they cannot do anything about it.

Most would accept that, but the question is-do they care ?



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Maybe not such a good idea then. I am NOT talking about a spleen venting exercise, or an immediate magic wand-wave on behalf of the club to suddenly make everything better, plus a grovel for upsetting us. Unrealistic expectations have undone us many times before.


I was thinking more of an attempt to understand each side's position, and then build from that.


Actually, when you look at some of the discussions on this forum, it is probably I that have the unrealistic expectations.

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June, have emailed you with a response. Not presumptuous and it's not just you!

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