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BTSA AGM Tomorrow Night

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Just a reminder to those of you who are members, or wish to be members, the BTSA AGM is tomorrow night...7.30pm for a 8pm start.


If there is anyone who wishes to stand for any position on the Committee or be a co - opted member of the committee, please can I have your names before the meeting.


Many thanks.

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It was good to see some new faces get voted in, I'm sure Adam and Gareth will be pro-active, and good additions to the board.


Not a bad turn out, but as a % of the total membership I guess it could have been better.



We've still a way to go yet, but we're on the right track...I think

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After the meeting I was approached by a couple of supporters who offered to organise and help on match days and one other person (who is on holiday but communicated through her father), wishing to be co opted onto the committee.


Yes it is good to see a couple of new faces and will certainly lighten the load. The Committee does (did?) require freshing up and in my opinion, if supporters want success and promotion, then more help is required. The interview with Ian Ansell, made it quite clear that the demands of the Conference South are such that more volunteers would very much welcome...now!!! Nothing like preparing in advance.


I said last night, it's a slow process but you only have to compare to the previous season to see that the message is getting accross...So, yes, we are on the right track...just needs a push every now and again.

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Emma Hill-Lonergan wanted to be considered as a co opted member of the committee, which I gratefully acknowledged.


The BTSA committee is as follows:-


Gary Clark (Chairman)

John Richardson (Vice Chairman & Town Shop Manager)

Gisele Veitch (Treasurer)

Emma Clark (Membership Secretary)

Leighton Thomas (Secretary)

Simon Williams (Website/co-opted committee member)

Adam Thomas (Co-opted committee member)

Gareth Thomas (Co-opted committee member)

Emma Hill-Lonergan (Co-opted committee member)


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Just to keep on the theme of any help for a moment. I fully appreciate the fact that many of us have commitments (outside). I for one have to run up the A12 3 times a week in evenings just to be a taxi service (if you know what i mean) - This means i cannot attend (eg) comedy nights.


Anyway, I (along with others) went to the ground on Saturday - Ended up painting with Adam, and we had a good laugh along the way (even though i had never spoken to him in the past....(do yer get my jist yet)...So to continue...We ended up putting in a 3 hour shift, (nothing compared to some of the others) but i came away feeling as though i had made (albeit) a small contribution, and having made a new friend at the club.


Ron said last night any spare paintbrushes,brooms,shears needed.


You WILL have a laugh ! (i mean Adam spent more time dripping paint on my hair) !! grin But you can actually see the difference this work is doing.


So, to sum up...Even if you only have 30 minutes to spare (As i have said earlier, i for one cannot commit to everything but i can commit to a few hours to help not only the club, but friends too - Come down - I guarantee you will walk away feeling as though you have made a contribution to OUR football club. Oh, and you may even get to drip paint on my hair too !!


You Know You Want To grin



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Glad AGM went well. I wanted to attend but childcare issues prevented it. Good luck to the new commitee members (and those continuing). I would like to help out when needed. Please let me know where there is need.

Can't wait for pre-season to start

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