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............... hows Basingstoke ?


Got the Sat-Nav working properly yet ?


Incidently, I hear that beer is not going up in the Meadowbank Bar in the near future, so I'll reserve you a bar-stool for your next benched visit !


(titters into coffee cup !)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A rather spicy rumour had it that you'd emigrated to Basingstoke.


Something to do with crumpet, or at least something to do with bakery, possibly tarts ?


Thought you'd got lost.


Welcome back, mate !

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Well well well !


I have a message fo young Wembers from an old friend I met tonight, and no it wasn't Big Bruv !


I'm told to tell you that this comes straight from the horses mouth, and it is.....


yer knee won't last the pre-season training, coz you don't like training and you don't like hard pitches.


Mind you, not much chance of hard pitches at the moment, so you should be OK !

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