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Preparations for another season in the Ryman Prem


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.... include learning how to speak Essex.


alma chizzit - A request to find the cost of an item .


amant - Quantity; sum total ("Thez a yuge amant of mud in Saffend")


assband - Unable to leave the house because of illness, disability etc


awss - A four legged animal, on which money is won, or more likely lost ("That awss ya tipped cost me a fiver t'day")


branna - More brown than on a previous occasion ("Ere, Trace, ya look branna today, ave you been on sunbed?")


cort a panda - A rather large hamburger


dan in the maff - Unhappy ("Wossmatta, Trace, ya look a bit dan in the



eye-eels - Women's shoes


Furrock - The location of Lakeside Shopping Centre


garrij - A building where a car is kept or repaired(Trace: "Oi, Darren, I fink the motah needs ta go in the garrij cos it aint working proper")


Ibeefa - Balaeric holiday island


lafarjik - Lacking in energy ("I feel all lafarjik") GG


paipa - The Sun, The Mirror or The Sport


reband - The period of recovery and emotional turmoil after rejection by a lover ("I couldn't elp it, I wuz on the reband from Craig")


Saffend - Essex coastal resort boasting the longest pleasure pier in the world. The place where the characters from TV's, popular soap opera, Eastenders go on holiday


tan - The city of London, the big smoke


webbats - Querying the location something or someone is. ("Webbats is me dole card Trace? I've gotta sign on in arf hour")


wonnid - 1. Desired, needed. 2. Wanted by the police


zaggerate - To suggest that something is bigger or better than it actually is. ("I told ya a fazzand times already")



Well, first time I'd seen this smile

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