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Right then - Tomorrow night


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A lot of talk going on about 'infiltrating' the home ends 'en-mase'. Personally, I think this is counter-productive. Firstly, if you are not spotted well before KO then you will be when the teams come out. When spotted you will then be escorted to the away section or kicked out by the Old Bill (remember the Plod will be in attendance). In the unlikely event of you being allowed to stay, the chances of you changing 'ends' is virtually nil due to crowd size. IMHO, the best thing is for everybody to stick to the side we've got, it aint pretty, but thats what we've got.


The absolute best thing to do is to encourage as many people as possible to attend. Drag them all along. That way we fill up our allocation and make them look right mugs for not allowing us more room.


Stick together people, it's far more effective.

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Originally Posted By: Ryan.c
A lot of talk going on about 'infiltrating' the home ends 'en-mase'. Personally, I think this is counter-productive. Firstly, if you are not spotted well before KO then you will be when the teams come out. When spotted you will then be escorted to the away section or kicked out by the Old Bill (remember the Plod will be in attendance). In the unlikely event of you being allowed to stay, the chances of you changing 'ends' is virtually nil due to crowd size. IMHO, the best thing is for everybody to stick to the side we've got, it aint pretty, but thats what we've got.

The absolute best thing to do is to encourage as many people as possible to attend. Drag them all along. That way we fill up our allocation and make them look right mugs for not allowing us more room.

Stick together people, it's far more effective.

At last - the voice of reason. Well said Ryan.
Not the BEST place in the ground from which to view the proceedings admittedly, but I'd give my right arm just to be ANYWHERE in the ground tomorrow evening.
May the best team win.

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Yep, get as many over there cos the atmosphere in our side WILL be highly charged - IT IS OFFICIAL WEAR BLUE DAY !!!


Come on we had 250 ish at Bromley so Chelmo only being 9 miles down the road we can get the largest army of the season over there... YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO wink


The TEAM and MANAGEMENT have got us this far...Can we give them that little bit extra lads n lasses boxing ROCKY TIME !!!

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Ah well.. it's been fun & I think we got 'em well rattled. I'd hate to be a Claret fan with the merest hint of Blue on tomorrow! I can see them getting jumped by Chelmsfords finest. "Excuse me madam but is that a blue G-String I can see above your jeans? Would you mind blowing in this bag. If the chrystals turn blue you'll have to go in the other side".


But Ryan's right. Time to make the best of a bad job. That RO/RO don't look too safe anyway! Wonder if they'll change ends with each other?





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Heaven help the Chelmo fans when they hear our Shoe Army doing what we do best, Backing our Players and our manager.


Come what may they will have to live with the fact that THEY cocked up with not giving our team a fair shout at a goal end.


How sad are they as a club if they are this insecure.

I can't wait to see how they will handle a proper club with REAL fans.


It must be very embarrassing to be chelmo fan right now, knowing that your clubs management are so up their own [****!!****] they have to resort to this type of carry on.


But Matty Jones Blue army will carry on regardless.




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Originally Posted By: Ryan.c
A lot of talk going on about 'infiltrating' the home ends 'en-mase'. Personally, I think this is counter-productive. Firstly, if you are not spotted well before KO then you will be when the teams come out. When spotted you will then be escorted to the away section or kicked out by the Old Bill (remember the Plod will be in attendance). In the unlikely event of you being allowed to stay, the chances of you changing 'ends' is virtually nil due to crowd size. IMHO, the best thing is for everybody to stick to the side we've got, it aint pretty, but thats what we've got.

The absolute best thing to do is to encourage as many people as possible to attend. Drag them all along. That way we fill up our allocation and make them look right mugs for not allowing us more room.

Stick together people, it's far more effective.


Good , sensible post , I'm not in favour of segregation but if it has to be , talk of infiltrating Chelmsford areas is madness it only takes a few idiots from either side to ruin a great ocassion , come along support your team & enjoy.
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Can someone help with tips on how to get there. They don't seem to want people driving and I don't fancy the train bus / combo recommended on their website. Is there anywhere to park within say 10-15 mins reasonable walk that won't **** off the residents.? Also do you think it will be safe to bring kids? I'm a bit worried about the comments on the view - will they (the kids that is) be able to see - and that our allocated section might be a bit crowded.










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The streets in the immidiate vicinity of the ground are usually pretty jam packed even on a normal mid-week game, so with a possible capacity crowd they'll be a no-no. But if you're prepared to park a 15-20min walk away you should find something, but get there early!

If you're kids are young (ie short!) they'll need to be at the front as the area we are in is not terraced or banked. Although there are some tiered seats behind us that they may be able to stand on, stewards allowing. I would hope that, being a decent bunch of fans, they'd be allowed to "push-in" anyway!

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Originally Posted By: stringbok
Can someone help with tips on how to get there. They don't seem to want people driving and I don't fancy the train bus / combo recommended on their website. Is there anywhere to park within say 10-15 mins reasonable walk that won't **** off the residents.? Also do you think it will be safe to bring kids? I'm a bit worried about the comments on the view - will they (the kids that is) be able to see - and that our allocated section might be a bit crowded.

You could try parking in the Trent road area, its just a short walk from there. I think thats where I'm going to try and park. mad

And if anyone obstructs your kids view, a short burst of the Hakka will will soon shift em hunk

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