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Midlands Merger - more to foll


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The merger of Moor Green and Solihull Borough may have a knock on effect for the fortunes of Harrow Borough. Interesting Press release here from Moor Green FC. See also the [/url] Solihull Borough SBFC site


What does the future hold for the high number of senior football clubs in Kent? Mergers down here to follow? Look at Dagenham & Redbridge. Did the merger of Walthamstow Avenue, Leytonstone & Ilford into Redbridge Forest, then Dagenham create a viable club, or would have Dagenham FC alone made it to the Football League.


With the rich getting richer and non-league clubs getting poorer (a reflection of society as a whole) I expect the only way forward for some clubs is a merger. Our opponents yesterday, Hendon, face an uncertain future.


Here's the Moor Green Press release







For further information contact:




Solihull Moors FC




Trevor Stevens, Chairman Tel: 07770 537054




Nigel Collins, Vice Chairman Tel: 07801 248211

‘Solihull Moors FC - The Marriage Bans are Read’

Speculation, rumour, gossip! Ever since February 2005 when Moor Green FC relocated from their arson-ravished ground in Hall Green to share Solihull Borough’s Damson Parkway home questions have been asked ‘Are they holding hands, have they moved in and will they get engaged?’

After two years, battles with insurers and a strategic review exploring all options the talking is at last over. The Football Association, Nationwide Conference and Birmingham County FA have all given their blessing. The engagement has occurred, the ‘bans’ have been read and there are no official objectors to the marriage!

The date is set for 1 June 2007. If all other conditions are agreed and there are no objectors on the day they will emerge, newly joined, as Solihull Moors FC and continue to compete in the Nationwide Conference (North) for the season 2007/08 and beyond. Solihull will resign their junior position in the Southern League. The Solihull and south Birmingham community then gains the benefit of higher status Conference football.

Rumours about the new club’s Board and management have been rife recently. The official announcement says that the combined Moor Green and Solihull Board members agreed that Trevor Stevens will be the inaugural Chairman. Current Moor Green Football Director, Nigel Collins, will be Vice Chairman and the new Football Director will be Joe Murphy. Existing Moor Green Chairman and Vice Chairman, Ian Childs and John Bassford, will continue to support the Board. Joe McGorian and Geoff Hood, probably the longest serving Presidents in Non-League football, are likely to be appointed Life Presidents of the new club.

Speculation over the new football manager has also been at a high. Mickey Moore is currently Solihull Borough’s young and promising manager but it is confirmed that the Nationwide reins stay with Bob Faulkner. Faulkner, manager of Moor Green for the last twenty one years, has guided the outfit to the Nationwide Conference. Vice Chairman Nigel Collins said “It was a tough call as Mickey has shown great promise. His credentials are excellent, his ability to manage to budget whilst finding high caliber players has been proven this season. All Board members see his time with Solihull as a great start and have high expectations for his future.”

Is it a marriage that has everybody’s blessing and is it sensible? The official bodies have approved but what about other interested parties such as the supporters.

Moor Green is Birmingham’s third largest soccer club and has been in existence since 1901. Compared to Aston Villa and Birmingham City it is a tiny under-resourced outfit. But they have competed magnificently in the Conference (North) league for the last three years. Standing just one tier below full time professional ranks they have battled with true passion against the odds and lack of facilities since their ground was burned down. Despite their success, large attendances have been few and far between. Without a small, die-hard core of management and supporters they would have sunk a long time ago.

Solihull Borough moved to their new Damson Parkway facilities some 5 years ago and Birmingham FC reserves regularly use the excellent football and social facilities. Unlike Moor Green they have not faired so well in recent years on the footballing front although they have a proud history and some notable FA cup runs to boast about. Again their die-hard management and supporters help keep the club alive.

So can the supporters now join forces and lay claim to deeper ranks? After discussions and forums where the plight of Moor Green has been aired it seems as if supporters of these two local rivals can see that only one answer exists. They are prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder and celebrate the marriage. Yes, they’ll need new colours to rally around but that will come.

But does the marriage make commercial sense? Solihull and south Birmingham have so many attractions pulling on people’s leisure time that it’s hard to imagine what life was like without them only a few years ago! Local Premiership and Championship clubs with marvelous facilities, new shopping centres, golf clubs and gyms galore! A true regeneration story when compared to 15 years ago. So as the marketplace changed it was sensible to take a strategic view.

The answer was clear. Regroup as one, consolidate finances, reduce expenses, enhance one set of facilities, rebase the footballing heritage and strive for bigger heights. After all, competing for similar custom is crazy when the two clubs are no more than six miles apart! Businesses do it all the time and so do rugby and football clubs! Only the very rich can [****!!****] a snoot at the idea of rationalisation.




With some pride we should embrace the soon to emerge ‘Solihull Moors FC’. June and the new season cannot come quickly enough. Yes they will have their honeymoon period and their ups and downs will follow. But remember that they represent Solihull and like all marriages they need good support. Even if you don’t like football you can’t fail to recognise the feel good factor when a good cup run or other success hits a local area.




Could Solihull ever get Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool, or Chelsea in a future cup run? Don’t dismiss the idea. Burton Albion, Tamworth and Nuneaton have all trod the Premiership turf in the last two years!




So, while we wait to see what the pre-season agenda throws up, get out the confetti, raise a glass and let’s give a toast and get behind the new Solihull Moors FC!






Solihull Moors Board comprises:




Geoff Hood President Trevor Stevens Chairman


Ian Childs Chairman Joe Murphy Football Director


John Bassford Vice Chairman John France Finance Director


Nigel Collins Football Director Graham Davison Director


Chris Hooper Commercial Director Ray Bird Director




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I would be happy to merge with Ramsgate FC - as long as all home games played at HDP and the name could be.......the first word from 'Margate FC' and the second from 'Ramsgate FC' and therefore............... Margate FC is born!

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