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Lack of communication and information

I am Spartacus

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Yet again it appears that we the fans are the last to hear of any events at MFC. According to todays Gazzette Mr Trott was offered a new contract to manage MFC last Thursday 12th April.


Now why have we at this moment not heard anything official from the club on such an important event at MFC. Are we as the fans the last to hear everthing that happens at the club.


I do not (nor want to) be informed of the contents of anyones contract with MFC but, it is just good manners to inform us (the fans) of what is happening at the club. After all Mr Trott has made no secret of his desire to continue as Manager of MFC so why all the silence.


On Tuesday night rumours were rife at the reserves game that that rather portly individual from across the Island had been offered the job of manager of MFC (or at least his equally portly brother was rumoured to be saying it). Now that action would have caused an exudos of fans (including me) from supporting MFC till he left.


If the board had annouced on Friday (after thier unamoius decision to offer the contract to Mr Trott)that the offer had been made then a lot of bitterness would have been spared.


Finally I would like to say that I applaued the board for reaching the correct decision on the offer of a new contract to Mr Trott which has my 100% approval ( I know not sought but freely given) However I severly censure them on thier lack of communication to the fans of the club.

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Dont think the Bloke from the other side of Thanet was ever offered it to be honest. Think that was a rumour started at the Rams V Bromley game. I heard about Trotty from a reliable source the same day i posted on the forum ?





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I think your view is completely unreasonable. The fact that negotiations are underway is of no consequence to anyone other than those directly invovled. And to protect both parties I would agrue that until agreement has been reached it is simply not a matter for automatic public record. If I was directly invovled and I was asked what was going on my reply would have been "no comment". My position on my negotiations about my emplyment contract are of no concern to others. But, once the decision has been made then I would expect a formal announcement that the deal has been done. Who knows, perhaps this will be at the presentations after Saturday's game.

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Typical just bury your head in the sand.


I did say that the details of contract are of no interest to me or should be. However, the fact that the papers have got hold of the story puts this item in the public domain and, a communication from MFC would be good manners to the fans of MFC.


Last season it was announced that Mr Trott was being offered the job and I know that the contract was not agreed until a few weeks later so why is this season any different.


Oh and your and let me tell you that the details of your employment contract do not interest me at all infact I would rather amuse myself watching paint dry very very slowly.

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Joseba I think you've missed the point although Trotty was offered a new contract on Thursday does'nt mean he signed that contract. If it was me I would have taken it away and then discussed the finer points as he probabley has about Budget playing staff expectations wages etc etc and then given my answer.


At no point would I or wanted the club to annonce anything because whilst negotiation are taking place there is basiclly nothing to say.


Why should any fan thinks he has the right to have any information on a private negotiation. Instead of expecting something you will never be privey to. be thankfull the board have seen sence and reappointed trotty and put a bit of stability to the club you so rightly love.

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all points valid but i DO think that if it is going to broadcast across the papers then surely the ones that are loyal to the club should be informed first after all we all look into the forum and the website and turn up through the turnstiles whilst i do agree that certain aspects of the club should remain private but if you are going to publish things of importance in the local rag then would it not be curtious to let those know who really care about the club first even if it was 1 or 2 days before the paper comes out!

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I know mate. Its a fine line really. Think the way to go is through the local papers to inform us or club statement but we will only get them on match days. I know the web-site hasnt reported anything ? But no dis-respect to anyone its not the best web-site in the world is it ?

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I find myself agreeing with Joseba on this one. If its good enough to be given to the press it should be more than good enough for us to hear it FIRST.I think its quite reasonable for us fans to expect more thought from the club. How long does it take to put on the front page. (2minutes?).

Anyway its done now but in the future I hope the club understand some of our concerns & that we the fans are not to be treated as second best even if it was done unintentionally.

Good luck to Trotty. A good choice. Only one real bad decision day from him at Slough(substitutions)i.m.o that angered me but apart from that & a couple of other minor errors of judgement,he has done good.

I too have no problem with him back at the helm. Am sure he will have learnt a lot from his first season in charge.

But we haven't finished with THIS season yet have we?


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On the main page! On our forum! This is what I am talking about. They cant get to ALL fans obviously but word of mouth would follow on from here.Like Joseba says its just plain good manners surely to tell your own first?

One more thing.Its STILL not officially gone on the front page or on here has it?,even now & it should be.

Sorry,but this is SLACK SLACK SLACK work by someone or just pure lack of respect for the fans & supporters.I am not apportioning blame on Nikki here as it is he who usually updates things on the MFC pages & I know if he was told to or had the info to hand he most certainly would have done.If he isn't told what should go on there how is he to know.

Anyway thats my thoughts on the subject & anyways,as I said its been done now! Over & out!

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Agree ! See my previous posts. Our web-site is hardly the best in the world is it ? No updates really ? I mean its not on there now. Trouble is with the forum its not an official site to MFC. I think the best thing to do was do it at the game tomorrow in front of everybody before the game ?

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