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April 14th, 2001


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Was that the game where we turned up with yellow away shirts and had to borrow a set of white shirts from Folkestone?

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Originally Posted By: Greg_Dyke
Noel Edmonds for PM !

He is the way forward...

Income Tax rises......Deal or No Deal?!!!!
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Got to love a good political debate. Now call me a Nationalistic whatever if you like but I'm all for Brown and all the other Scottish MP's sodding off back up north so they stop influencing things that happen in England because English MP's have no say on what goes on in Scotland. The same goes for Wales and Ulster as well. An English parliament is the only way forward, as long as Tony Blair and David Cameron have nothing at all to do with it!!

Cue mass debate and scramble to call Colin a racist or something similar.

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Originally Posted By: ColinHRBFC
Got to love a good political debate. Now call me a Nationalistic whatever if you like but I'm all for Brown and all the other Scottish MP's sodding off back up north so they stop influencing things that happen in England because English MP's have no say on what goes on in Scotland. The same goes for Wales and Ulster as well. An English parliament is the only way forward, as long as Tony Blair and David Cameron have nothing at all to do with it!!
Cue mass debate and scramble to call Colin a racist or something similar.

Regrettably, you've fallen into the federalist/NWO trap. We have one country, the United KIngdom and one Parliament. Let it stay that way.
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Think of all the savings made if we TOLD the Welsh (sorry Alan and Bob) and the Scots that their Parliament and Assembly were being dissolved to save the extra layer of pen pushers serving no purpose to anyone but themselves and their bank balance.



Alas we have a bunch of money grabbing parasites.....sorry councillors calling for a Margate Town Council along with the Ramsgate one. Extra layer of administarion we do not need or want which will cost thousands.....unless of course it means the scraping of Thanet District Council

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I actually think we should put up border posts and charge everyone to come in. I also advocate the introduction of a RED TAX whereby everyone who supports a team that plays in RED or has RED hair should pay an extra tax.















































OH I forgot the border patrols are around Planet Thanet.



The original conqueror of Thanet

Honary President of the Popular Front of Thanet.

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Armed border control???? With powers of arrest.


Along with the Red Tax there is one for people who look like thugs and have biblical sounding names and share their name with a song from Grease(and be part Scottish)


Honary President of the Thanet Peoples Popular Front Party

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