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GOOD LUCK MFC - part VI - Claret anyone?


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Ah, well, what do you know, I get to open another good luck post due to the MAGNIFICENT WIN over our near neighbours the Rams on Monday.


I knew we were good enough then and we are good enough to topple Chelmsford on Saturday.


Sure, Chelmsford put 4 past Hampton and Richmond on their own pitch and most likely think that they are favourites. But think again CITY boys, we are 5 games unbeaten and the momentum is with us.


The pressure is on for the play-offs and if the sides above us slip and we keep the pressure on we can do it. WE CAN DO IT! Chelmsford are the ones to face the heat on Saturday and we can make them sweat by hustling and harrassing them on Saturday. Indeed if i mix up all the letters in Chelmsford City I get the match prediction of HOSTILE MFC DRY C. In other words we will leave them out to dry!


We must play as if we want to win it, play for the shirt, play for the badge! And lo, I mix up the letters of Chelmsford City again and I get MFC CREST - HOLY I.D.


So it is foretold. Abdullah has again spoken! Play your hearts out MFC and we will be rewarded! Good Luck, MFC!


Abdullah the Gate!


PS after Saturday you can take a breather for a few days. This is also predicted... YO MFC - REST CHILD!



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Great stuff once again Abdullah. Have made topic sticky to keep it up the top. Good luck lads once again, show that same committment shown against Ramsgate and you will suprise those Claret boys.

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Hi Trotty & the Players.Take a look at one of your best performances for this season with these highlights from the Bromley game. http://www.bfctv.co.uk/video/match/margateH.wmv

Keep viewing to see where you got it right on the day.Do THIS at Chelmsford & you will get something out of the game.

Chelmsfords home record is impressive with just 4 games drawn & just the one defeat v AFC Dons,our nearest rivals.

Time to make those home defeats of theirs into "2".WHY should they go through the whole season with that sole defeat at home?

"SCOTCHED FIRMLY" would be my anagram for this game.

Go out there & show em'!

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When you guys WALK ONto that pitch on Saturday remember these words:


When you walk through a storm,

Hold your head up high,

And don't be afraid of the dark.

At the end of a storm,

There's a golden sky,

And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain,

Though your dreams be tossed and blown..


Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,

And you'll never walk alone.......

You'll never walk alone.


Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,

And you'll never walk alone.......

You'll never walk alone


Yes indeed we are all with you.Keep those heads high & weather any storm that may be thrown at you on Saturday!!

Play your game, the one we know you are capable of & we wont be having our dreams tossed & blown! WILL WE?

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Come on Blues - we all know what you are capable of: you can and WILL beat Chemlsford, and keep the pressure on the Wombles, who we WILL beat to that playoff spot. And, let's not forget, a win against Chelmsford, and we are only one point off of the Essex team.

Go out there and win boys!!

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Originally Posted By: MargateFan
Well, lads, the Chelmsford supporters are predicting a 6-0, 5-0, 4-0 trouncing on their message board.

I don't think the team will stand for that, do you?

SOME Clarets supporters are foolish enough to be predicting those scores, but the more realistic amongst us know that it's going to be much closer than that.
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Margate FC - on Tuesday night, I was blessed to have witnessed, in person, the finest display of football I have seen since I don't know when. This was from a team who looked beaten from the first leg, then were firmly beaten by a team of South coast wannabees.....if a small team from somewhere near Salford can play like this, THEN SO CAN YOU!!


Three games left, nine points in all - do it for the club, do it for us supporters but most of all, DO IT FOR YOURSELVES.


Be selfish.

Score, like your life depended on it.

Defend, like your life depended on it.




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Sorry lads, I am on your side, but if both sides play to their full potential (and I have seen both teams on a number of occaisions)then there is only going to be one winner,and I am afraid it will be Chelmo.On their day they really are a different class.Even without Boylan and Notto...Holmes and Ibe are [****!!****] hot at the mo and with frightening pace believe me.

Then again you could catch em on an off day....but thats your only chance.

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