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Gate's internet audio services


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As we reach the final stages of the season, I start to reflect on what we have done on and off the pitch. And for me that includes our first full season of audio coverage, so I had a look back at what we had done. So far - with two away games and one home game to go we have delivered (mostly sucessfully) the following:


22 full live commentaries (all made available after the final whistle via our "Listen Again" service)

8 recorded commentaries

34 post match interviews

A number of Gate Chat programmes


I hope they have brought as much enjoyment to you guys listening to them as they have to me producing them.


Big thanks also go to Niki C for his technical support.

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Steve, your service has been the life blood to exiles like myself who can only make the occasional home game and some away games!

Your commentary, although not perfect (lol) is humourous and informative and especially when you get things wrong (who's the sub? who scored??) hehehe

As for your guests, well with comments like his, J'only takes a second to score a goal'J is welcome anytime!!


Thank you from all the distance support

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Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it. Until I looked at the numbers, I had no idea how much we'd done which hopefully reflects favourably on the club too.

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Too late! It's fantastic. So far, I'm the man to beat (out of four of us!)

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Well done Steve! Next up video highlights eh? (Only kiddin).One step too far I know. Again you did yourself & your service justice.I like it in particular when we score...you sound like a male version of the woman that used to be on Radio Kent.(forget her name)l.o.l.

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As stated by others not able to watch the games (living in Guernsey does have its downside)the commentary offerred is the only way I am able to track games. Keep it up and I will be wearing my Gate shirt on Saturday on the streets of St Peter Port hoping that we get the right result.

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