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Technical question.

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Having just installed a new mothe board and reinstalled XP, My internet is up and running again, but I only get the blue framing border on Fans Focus.

Windows then tells me there is a fault and closes the page.

So far, this is the only website I have been to where the script is 'hidden' and which windows doesn't like.

I have checked the security and content settings and this forum is on a trusted site.

Any suggestions on how to configure my internet settings to read this site would be welcome.

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Gary, I'm not a real techie, just a computer dilletante, but in your position I'd install the latest versions of:










I'd also make sure you have the latest version of your internet browser installed:


Internet Explorer 7







You also get a lot of junk left behind after installing new stuff, so having a simple cleanup program is a good bet. CCleaner is free & dead easy to use. As well as geting it to clean, tell it to "scan for issues" periodically & make it zap the lot afterwards. I've been using it for years & it's never fouled anything up.





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Thanks for the tips boys.

Finally cured the problem, which may have been caused by trying to repair Windows XP home with a new version of XP Professional.

Reformattede my C drive and reinstalling XP Pro. from scratch, replacing all drivers and software - presto, have a brand new computer as if strait from the box for less than £40.

And I have learned how to build a computer from an empty shell to a full working PC.

Which I might do next week as I may have to miss the Thursday game because I am having a knee operation on Tuesday and will be unable to drive.

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Satisfying at the end, isn't it? But frustrating as hell along the way!


When we got a new computer I decided to donate our old one to our grown up daughter. 2 Christmases & a birthday later, she now what is in effect a brand new machine: case, motherboard, power supply, dual core processor, hard drive, dvd rom & rw, 1.5GB RAM, new operating system, cordless keyboard & mouse & flat monitor.


Of course, I could have bought her a bog standard new one straight off for less money, but I couldn't afford it in one go. I also ended up spending at least twice as much as I'd have normally done on her presents. However, if I'd not done it, I'd never have discovered what I have, not so much in terms of technical knowledge, but in the variety & creativity I can draw upon when it comes to foul, abusive & threatening language directed at an inanimate object. Nor would my wife (or indeed the neighbours) have had the unique experience of being woken at 4 in the morning by the shouts of an ecstatic or incensed maniac, still doing battle with machinery when all sane people are asleep.


Welcome to the asylum.





PS A little tip. If anything goes wrong or you are unsure how to do something, try Googling the issue. There will inevitably be some geeky forum or article where exactly the problem you are encountering has been discussed.

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