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d day for afc


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The sooner this joke of a club thathas the affrotnery to steal the ground from another club, steal the history of another club and then run roughshod allover the rule book is put out of buisness altoghther the better. I just do not want to be in the same league as them next season.

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There are rumours your club was one of a number that supported our appeal and wanted the punishment reduced, if so our thanks to them. Hope that doesn't get your officials into trouble with you lot. Altrincham fans also supported us in the main, just as we're happy that the next club that makes a purely administrative error, will benefit from our outcome.


Hopefully the rules will from now match the process - the real problem as the error should have been noticed after the first game and we'd have lost those 3 points. If they don't I hope the clubs stand up to the FA and vote them down at the AGM as unenforcable.


The league and playoff positions will now be decided on the pitch, surely what everybody wants.

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When does this happen? Is it a on the spot 3 point deduction or is it at the end of the season either way its bad news frown

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Two wrongs don't make a right.


Same thing should have happened in the Altrincham case, except nobody lost or gained from their deduction so it didn't matter in the end.


There are no other similar cases as far as I know, so nobody will be beating a path to the FA's door with appeals.

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BBC London 94.9 will be talking about the points deduction tonight between 7pm and 10pm give Steve Bunce a ring on 020 7 22 4 2000, text 07786 200 949 or you can email him at london.sport@bbc.co.uk.


Steve will be talking to those involved and getting views from other Ryman League managers.



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Originally Posted By: Chris1

Yes this could be challenged in the courts, but what club is going to be the gutless cheats who start the action? Yes I mean that:

How about Spurs in 1994 when they threatened the FA with court action after having points deducted. Since then clubs talk about legal action despite the FA supposely being in charge of football.

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Originally Posted By: Frankie100

How about Spurs in 1994 when they threatened the FA with court action after having points deducted.

I don't remember that, but anyhow this is the other way round.

It would need a club (or clubs) not involved in the case to start an action to try to get the points deduction reinstated.

Besides, threats and deeds are separate things.
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Ridiculous. Why have any rules at all?? They broke them, they should be punished. 3 points is a disgrace. And I agree with Joseba! AFCW - YOU ARE NOT, REPEAT NOT WIMBLEDON FC!!! THEY NOW PLAY AT THE NATIONAL HOCKEY STADIUM IN MILTON KEYNES!!!

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Well we know we are Wimbledon so we really don't mind what you say, especially today.


Now you need to get above us in the table on the pitch (although with the help of 3 points). If you do that, you'll really feel you've earned your playoff place.


Happy to provide a sick bucket but having been kicked around by the FA and League 5 years ago, we do want to help other clubs. We've assisted in the setting up of a number of trusts and I'm sure we'll be willing to give advice to clubs appealing similar situations in the future. Guess you need a trough rather than a bucket by now.

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