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Anyone else feeling pretty good tonight?


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the boys seem to have kicked themselves into gear when we went a goal down, and i think we saw what these fellas are capable of doing. MOM closely contested by SKINS and JAY but SKINS just edges it with keeping his cool under obvious provocation - well done fellas - 15 POINTS not so hard to envisage after tonights fantastic performance

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Originally Posted By: Ian_Sanderson
If Cookie is an EX Bookie what price you give me that you reach your target of 15 points from 5 games, cos id like a punt

No offers Ian, no offers.Sorry mate.You will have to ask elsewhere if you want to spend your allowance..Sorry to disappoint.
I'll just be happy to win them if we can.And win them they can if they apply themselves like they did for the last 70 minutes.Its only been one game & there are still 4 to go but I am feeling pretty good as well after tonight.Now to get that consistency back again & do it again & again & not just as a one-off!
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Danny you obviously didn't see Skinns kicking out at an opponent when there was no provocation.I think he was after the guy for a previous tangle between them.Damn blatant,& silly thing to do & he was bloody lucky to still be on the pitch,lucky for us,for him & for the team.As for the rest of his game he was brilliant & what a cracking goal!

As for Dean,he was silly to get involved early on as it sure looked like they had done their homework on him.He certainly kept his cool after that & great credit to him for that.

These two things mustn't however,overshadow the improved performance tonight by ALL of them,football-wise & effort put in.

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The effort came all of a sudden last night-after looking worringly ordinary early on. Out of nowhere they suddenly looked up for it and it just shows what "wanting it" can achieve. The change of attitude was highlighted by Pinns reaction to his goal-absolute passion. Every one of them can be proud of themselves.

The Skins/Jacko combination down the left was superb and after a shaky start Prothers seemed to kick himself up the ar$e and get right into gear and Jay is just Mr. Consistancy. This is how it should feel after a night at football-let's maintain last nights attitude till the final game.

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Still on a high from last night. Now that is what the feel good factor is all about. The warm sense of well being. The feeling as if you are walking on air and Bu$$er the cold why the heat is coming from within. Being able to wax on lyrically in a 'I do not care attitude'because I do not really care.


Why even if people write stupid things about last nights performance or players behaviour you can take this in your stride and, can not even be bothered to answer them.


Read some of the comments and split your sides with laughter at the thought of bigtw warming his ar$e on Rob Butlers hair as he thought it was a glowing mobile heater. Why I even forgive bigtw for winding djw up as to who BIG Louis Smith's dad is (actually it is quite funny as well).


You even get up in the morning and decided I do not know lets write a load of drivel on the forum and see if I can write the longest post I have ever done. I wonder if anyone has actually read this to this point but I do not care why.


Because the Gate won 5-1 and I am really happy

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Great post Joseba, Dan's dad is one great character esp on this forum. Good fun banter is what it is all about and more of it please. Still feel on a real high after last nights game especially as 2nd half was standing next to Rob and seeing the look on his face as the goals went in was priceless to say the least. But fairs fair good of him and his Dad to come and watch on such a cold night. Also good to meet the other Watford supporter AKA as Hornet. Heres to another performance like that on Saturday. smile

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MoM Skinns of course....as he will be Saturday!!!


Did anyone else notice the ref take the red card out after he "repaid" the Leyton player back for taking him out 5 minutes before hand but Robin had a word and the ref put the red back and took out the yellow.


Wise words from the boss!!!

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Great game last night. Played some beautiful football at times. I must admit, I was skeptical about playing Pinns on the right and Jay up the middle, but it certainly worked. Pinns was running at the full-back every time, really terrorising him. And Jay supported Danny perfectly. As soon as we got the equaliser, you could tell we were going to go on to win the game, and we probably should have been 4 or 5 up at half-time.

Skinns' goal killed the game and, after the fourth, we probably could have gone on to get a few more. But we certainly outclassed them at times tonight. Quite tight at the back, don't think we could have done much about the goal. Midfield looked weak at the start of the game but grew in confidence as the game went on. Proths ended up running the play at times. And, overall, an impressive performance.

Let's hope for more of the same!

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What a great result for the boys eh ! Yes thanks Joseba for mentioning my foolish mistake on Loius dad. (bigtw you will pay !). So great game, I thought Deano was quality in the middle of the park, as TC mentioned done very well to keep his cool. I was a little surprised to see JS upfont and Pinns on the right but credit where its due it worked ! Skinns scored a blinder of a goal ! As mentioned he was stupid in that wreckless challenge and should of been off BUT he wasnt. I actully like our competitive edge, Iam not saying for one second its right or ok too slam tackles like that in to people. But every team needs a hardman....we just got three of them !!!!


Blimey this post is longer than Cookies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jay would( tremendous work rate) have been my MoM except for Justin Skinners penalty area tackle second 1/2. He chased back from the 1/2 way, after a Leyton Guy, waited for him to turn in, took the ball and ran around him. "Class".

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