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Trottys contract?


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On this form and having not so far filled any of the seasons objectives will he be at the helm next season?

The pressure is on-let's hope he rises to the challenge (although, and this is just my personal opinion I find myself questioning his decisions and statements he comes out with more and more).

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Personally i dont think one season is enough to judge the guy.

It takes months for a manager just to get to grips with the job, Trotty's only just settling in.

Sack him at the end of the season, and then what?? How long do you give the next guy?

I spent too long at Dover, then Ashford watching crap "kick and rush" football. What we're getting now is infinitely better.

Lets keep it in perspective, it's early days.



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Totally agree Trotty has done ok considering the squad he took over. The two players hes brought in this season in Js and PS have been quality signings and with a bit more time maybe another season he will have time to get he's prefered squad together. Its then down to him how they play and thats when we will see how good or bad he is.

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The next five home games will be crucial.


In the man's own words...


“If it comes to the end of the season we don’t make the play-off’s I’ll be so gutted as we should have smashed this league apart with the team we’ve had, and the teams in this league know we’ve got a good team.”


In other words he knows that missing out on the top five will be a major f**k-up. Keep your fingers crossed that Wimbledon don't get a reprieve...


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Looks like we may have to do it without Steve Mckimm too according to todays paper. Trotty is saying if he is ruled out he may be forced to going into the transfer market.

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Bit late for that now Alan.Well maybe not too late but definately after the horse has bolted.Trotty still the man for me but he has to get those players in the right frame of mind for each game.Get them to go out there with "Attitude",the right attitude,the fighting attitude,the never give up attitude.

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I think Trotty has the majority if not all of our support Danny. I don't think us fans,on here anyway, can do anymore to instill confidence into Trotty & the lads going into games.Each week we try & gee them up with good luck wishes.Its their turn to start repaying us I think.We have the players to do that,now its time to stop the sulks & play our way out of this bad spell. Again(& this is for Trotty & the players) we KNOW what you are capable of so go out there & start doing what we & you know you are more than capable of doing...winning games... & doing it convincingly.(sorry wrong thread,got carried away there).

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Originally Posted By: seasidesteve
he has done brilliantly with little money and a small squad he must not be allowad to leave

Steve as you were the person this time last year who started the Trott for Manager campaign and I seconded it I can not disagree with you at all.

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I too think that Trotty should be given a new contract, and hope he has learnt from his first year at the helm. I think he made a good start recruiting early so the sqaud had the whole of pre-season to gel, but wonder if in his anxiety to secure a strong first team he lost sight and control of the budget as there seems to be little 'spare' in the kitty.

I would like to see him tone down his 'macho' approach to managing players, this has resulted in losing the likes of contacted players Deen, Brayley, Yiga and Sesay for little or no return, I'm also worried that my candidate for Player of the Year - SCS - may also turn his back on the Club as he gets dropped easier than second choice Mitten (who is lucky to still be in the sqaud).

He does seem to have difficulty recruiting players on loan - as he doesn't trust them as professionals to do a job unless under Contract.

I am also worried that he doesn't appear to have the backing of the Board that CK had last term. As we struggled for form CK was allowed to dip in and out of the transfer market (too much to be honest) in his quest for stability, this season with a promotion berth at stake the money does not appear to be available to retain our place at the head of the table(or is this just my imagination?).

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Money a bit short? I would think so, we have lost Gordon Wallace and of late had no home gate money to speak of.


But of course, Trotty MUST stay. This season I have seen some of the best football played since conference days. And that too with a really small squad, compared to most of the other teams in the league. That's down to the players and the manager who signed them. It can only get better.

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I would like to be re-assured that the deal to sign the 'Gravesend Four' was not only closed by RT ,but also set up by RT;as opposed to a deal that was pre-ordained by CK before he left.


It does worry me that RT has failed to sign anybody since Jay and Pat, despite constantly promising to deliver on that front since mid December .


Inexplicable decisions like not playing SCS and making DH captain are also totally beyond me.


Apart from that i echo what Peter says above,and to be fair, at start of season i was predicting we would finish 7th.

Its just so disappointing to get ourselves in a great position and then allow it to slip away .


Whilst we may miss out on promotion, there are wider issues re:RT's style that concern me.

I'm not one to seek change for change sake, and if anything i favour continuity;but all things considered ,i'll be the first to stick me head above the parapet and say that on what i observe(which is very little ) i would NOT renew RT's management contract


My concern is that if we don't do it this year, we will slip into Kentish oblivion as Maidstone and dartford or maybe Dover step up,and we become about 8th in the Kent pecking order,let alone get out of the Ryman.

Crowds will drop to below 400 and we will go on an inward spiral.


No doubt many will say thats being negative.I would suggest an honest and realistic appraisal of our situation

If we don't do it this year, i think Ryman league is best we can hope for this decade at least.

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Trotty has to stay but he has to stop dropping players for stupid reasons and get the settled side we had in the middle of the season . Otherwise he has not done that bad for a rookie manager in his 1st season . Next season will be the telling time but also to achieve promotion in his 1st season would make it hard for Trotty as he would be stepping up into a league , something that he knows nothing about . Up the Gate.

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Some of the decisions are a bit weird, but we do not know the whole story, was SSC injured ? Did he feel ill ? or was its Trottys way of teaching him a lesson, no one knows? Apart from Trotty and SCS


As I always say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing

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