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slough 2-0 thame


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yur dead rite gazza me ol' mukka...the ol' uncles the answer mate...yous all jus' knows it meks sense duntya...ha ha ha...'ere can yous all imagine in a cupla munths....ha ha ha...uncle out...uncle out...

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I'm actually glad there was no 'Browne Out' chanting during the game . While we were playing quite well and winning with a degree of confidence I don't think the team would want to hear that . As fans we just have to think of the team ONLY . The 'Browne out' chanting can wait until the game finishes (noticed he was gone sharpish tho' !) or when we start losing . Don't think I'm supporting Browne here , just thinking of the team .

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Can't help agreeing here.


For all Browne's faults, (or despite them <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />) we are 5th in the division, and only five points from second place.


On the other hand, if we had beaten Hertford (as everyone else has), we would now be in 4th place, on equal points with Wealdstone...



Shouting 'Browne Out!' could make him try harder, and prove himself worthy of the position, or he could think 'S*d you lot....';

but more seriously it could actually de-motivate the players (anyone shouting 'Browne Out' during the game cannot simultaneously be shouting 'Come on you Rebels'), which is not very desirable.


Of course, what you could do is wave placards saying 'Browne Out!', whilst chanting 'Up the Rebels', and have the best of both worlds <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />



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I think Ed has hit the nail on the head. Anyone want to guess our starting line up on Saturday? The more we cheer Sammy the more its like to upset a certain person.


I also feel there is far too much barracking of our own team during a match. We all get frustrated when passes go astray or tackles are missed, but it isn't going to help anyone perform better when his own supporters are on his case. Lets turn our attention to the opposition, or the ref, and his two mates. I'm not always convinced that the latter is a good idea as some refs are just as stubborn as a certain manager, and the more you tell then how much rubbish they are the more they will do to prove it. On the other hand I have seen a linesman intimidated into giving a penalty because of the barracking from the side.



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Well you have to agree with Wayne & Ed here. Shouting Browne Out whilst the chance of winning isn't doing anyone any favours - something which I know Ted restrains from doing whilst we still have a chance of winning the game.


What we should do - at least for one game only - is collectively stand behind the goal and all join in with team encouragement and see if it does lift them. It would be great to have a collective enthusiastic spirit and us all coming out as one supportive voice from around and within the Barmy Army.


Give it a try this Saturday?

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