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I have been looking at those sites that have moving photo!s of their pitches and stands on the home page

Just fancy what it would do to the opposition prior to any game at ourplace to see a moving picture of Park lane in full November flow

Frozen snow drifting across the pitch with temperature readings in one corner and windshield factors in the other

We could throw in for luck one or two of our supporters working away in short sleeve shirts

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Ian and I have looked at the moving graphics once before, and decided against it. Although it is interesting on your first visit to a site, it becomes a pain in the proverbial if you visit a site on a regular basis. For one thing it hold the page up while all the graphics are downloaded. Not so bad for those of us who are surfing on broadband, but to those of you who are still cooking on paraffin, it would quickly get on your nerves.


We will, however, continue to investigate any suggestions that could make the site even better. Please keep your commnets coming. At the moment Ian is in the process of moving the site to a new server. You probably won't notice any difference, but the download speed will be increased, which can't be bad.


Never mind the quality, feel the width...

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maybe have a link tucked into the corner of the main page Merv?

.. a tour of park lane ..

start with the intimitading walk up park lane (trying not to get run over or stuck knee deep in mud)..

the imposing north bank blocking out the sun (ok the smog then)..

through the turnstiles negotiating the 50/50 mafia..

straight into the conran designed bar for a few cocktails..

er stay in the bar for a few more..

ascend the heights of the north bank for a glorious panoramic view of the ground..

a quick jog to the centre circle for a 360 pan round (trying to fall over less than 3 times)..

and finishing in the marble halls of the clubhouse (ok plasterboard halls then)..

splicing in some footage of the aerial shots of the northampton game



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Could we add sound

The snarling dogs waiting for you to be stuck knee deep on the approach road and the mournful sound of the dredger announcing its arrival

One small point to remember is that throughout the UK snow falls at circa a 30 degree angle at Canvey it comes in on the horizontal from the sea

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