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Interesting but could be bad news


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I work with Mark Hawthorne and he has just told me that Steve Daly will be training with Carshalton this week with a view to signing before the weekend.


What is going on? Barras to Met Police, Daly to Carshalton?


Things are getting worse it seems.

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If steve the muppet browne gets rid of daly there is no one up to his quality standards to take his place , why is he doing this offloading a good player i bet he loves it when he sees our reaction to his poor management he probably thinks its funny or gets thrills out of it. Leave now browne


<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

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This is beyond reasonable now wat has browne done to us at the start we were great since late december its all fallen to pieces browne has to go now he is simply not good enough he should go and find a sunday league team to manage cause he obviously doeSnt care wat happens to us first he criticises sammy who is one of our best and most consistant players then he blames the whole team then he releases five players without any cover for them now he wants to get rid of our skipper and heart of our defence and last but not least baras could be on his way to met police wat is goiog on browne ask your self this do you think you are up to the job oh hang on ill answer that for along with many other fans and followers NO YOUR NOT LEAVE NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE SOME DIGNITY <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />

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Just to clarify a few things:


1) I'm quite sure that Steve is not leaving. He had no intention of joining Hayes last season and I don't think he'd be allowed to leave.

2) GR has said on the Carshalton messageboard that he is not interested in Daly. He's after strikers and they have recently signed Al-James Hannigan.

3) Barras is not joining met police - he's probably leaving at the end of the season though as he is training to become a police officer.


So there you go...

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yes but wat about the five players, that leaves us short on the left and up front alvin bubb had potetial and so did mcnally and wat about the the fact that our form has dropped drastically, browne slagging off his own team shows that he has no motivation and that the season is over we need a motivator not a muppet to get our season back on track i back the club , the assistants , the players and chairman but not Browne he just hasnt got wat it takes to be a manager at the end of the day

<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

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A terrible thought..... what IF Browne does go (He should) BUT Mr Dreamer makes one of his superb management decisions and appoints something even worse.....errrr you say, there isnt anything worse.... well there might be and if there is Mr Dreamer wil find it lurking somewhere.

Look at decisions so far:

1. Paul Hardyman appointed, starts to sort out a ragged team with just 1 weeks practise and quickly gets his loyalty rewarded with a shafting...

2. In comes Graham Roberts followed by his sheep including one Steve Browne... what we have is two diplomatic supremos, Robbo and Deaner, capable of great pr!!!.... eventually everything goes crap on the pitch as well.....

3. Wobblers all round, and having played the part of nice cop to Roberts baddie, Browne takes over as Roberts stomps off

4. Browne at least can blame the Roberts sheep for a while, but has plenty of time with the team and getting his own players before masterfully achieving relegation...


So the question is on this run of 'appointments' who could be next for Slough Town? I bet Mr Andy Deaner gets the job.... anyone else ??????


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...ha ha ha...'ere wassallthisthen...ha ha ha...me an' me missus's..bin to clacton fur the weekend an' when i's gets back all this'ns goinorf..innit...ha ha ha...'ere...neva minds browne owls...i's yur gessa aint i...cor blimey...me an me ol' mukkas cloughie an' pleatie'll sort 'em all aaat wunt we...cor blimey...a few brown envelopes 'alfway up the M1 an' we'll soon 'ave all the proppa gessas in the team to win the fa cup wuntwe...ha ha ha...rite..,,thats it then...i'm on me way ova wiv me agent Peter Foster...a long 'un a week'll do...in readies 'course...an i's'll tek ova for saturdays game...wees'll win thatun an' then we'll sort aaat the master plan.....gazza first an' then wees'll all sign up vinnie jones...dunt wurry...we'll tell 'im wees making a film...(escape from the [censored]*ole)....e's so thick 'e wunt no will 'e....ha ha ha....uncle urchin for the rebels job....barclaycard 'ere we cum....ha ha ha ha ha...

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