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Its all got very dramatic down in Dellfield! lots of cars trying to drive up the Camp road and then sliding down into each other. Some people have abandoned their cars. Now there's a big row because somebody wants to close the road off because nobody can get up it, and someone else is telling them to stop being silly. Exciting stuff for a thursday night, better than whats on T.V. anyway!

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Think I'll get the record for most cack journey home yesterday:


From Stanmore to junction 4 M1 is approx 3 miles. Time taken - 1 hour. From M1 to home in Northampton - 55 miles, normal time for this entire journey is 1 hour.


Time taken yesterday - FOUR HOURS!!








(TnC continues to rant on about bloody weather conditions in various counties, knowing subconsciously that no-one really cares, but also knowing that it counts as a form of therapy to lessen the rage felt against weather in general, and snow/ice in particular)


Anyway, do I win in the "Loser who took the longest to get home" awards??

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Hi Rob.


Your message was posted at 10.12. Come on Rob. You know the journey took 3 hours yesterday. Do what I did. Allow extra time for the journey. If you had left at 5.30 this morning, you would have been in at or before the usual time.


Oh, by the way. I suppose that there is some doubt about tomorrow's game?

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What's the weather like out your way then chaps? Are we looking at at a postponement already? also qusstion for Mr.Zeal-how do you find the time to do all those posts-you must have a very cushy job!


We sold you the Gentle brothers!

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Yeah, well I can beat you all in terms of cack journeys home(at least you had warm cars or whatever!):


Left college at about 4.30 to go to the usual place where me Dad picks me up. I got a phone call from my dad at about 4.45 saying he had to dig the car out of the snow. I then waited a further HOUR in the snow, my hair got drenched, my gloves got wet and my face cheeks went numb. I couldn't phone anyone because my mobile was screwed up.


So, I decided to walk up to Costa(where I work), use the phone there and get a hot drink. The moment I walked through the door Bart said 'Mamma Mia' and told me to go and dry off quick(ice had actually formed in my hair at this point!). Again, I tried calling but no answer, so I decided to go and try for a bus. Although there were a few buses stuck in traffic none of them were ones I could get so I decided to back to where I was before to see if my Dad might be there.


He wasn't. At this point I was getting a little peeved. I waited a further 15 mins just to see if he would show up.Eventually my mum phoned and we decided I would walk home to Marshalswick and she would meet me half way with a hat and a hot drink (because I'd been in the snow for 3 hours at this point-it was now 7.30)


So, eventually I got home at 8.00- 3 1/2 hours after leaving college and absolutley soaked and passing nutters on the way who were covering themselves in snow and pelting me with snowballs-b@rst@rds!



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