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Soccer A.M


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theres never any real mention of conference footy on sky except on the news channel (rarely) or on the soccer saturday as scores come in. I saw a plug for the game after the newcastle one today but missed what was said. Can't wait for the game tho, everyone needs to get there in full voice for the cameras

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Precisely !


I don't know what COE expected as, to my knowledge:-


a) there are no famous actors/actresses ( or people who appear in Eastenders !) that follow GNFC.


B) there are no semi well known bands who follow GNFC ( who the **** are The Cribs anyway ? )


So, Brian on the sofa is as good as it's gonna get I think ( good gag about you being 45 Brian !!). Unless we get in the Football League, then we can have some fans on. CG, WVN & RR in The Luther Blissett stand should

ensure that the ratings plummet & the show goes off the air !!


Better that Kenny & the choir go on the show I think.



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Anyone who saw that and knew nothing or very little of gnfc would have thought "what a rubbish little club"

I mean, come on. this is the equivalent of someone shouting and hollering over john mcriricks (spelling) shoulder during a broadcast of the racing. "did you see me on tv mum??"

it would have been more beneficial to the club , for him to have been at home printing out posters and putting them up around town.

i do not begrudge him this appearance and hope he keeps it on his sky+ box forever more to watch again and again.

I feel this cameo appearance does nothing to make us look like an outfit that is, or at least wants to be, going places.



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Rubbish ! Ok it wasn't a "star name" on the sofa waxing lyrical about the club, but it was a bit of free publicity and also for the Grays game as well. If, as you say, no one knows anything about GNFC ( and if they do not follow Conference football then why should they ? ) then it would have at least alerted them to our existance. You seems to forget that we are not Arsenal or Man U ( I left Chelsea out as their performance last night was worse than some of ours !) so like it or not, we have to start at the bottom. Every little helps.


On the subject of posters, I have already posted ( ha ha !)on this subject. We have a Commercial Manager. He should be responsible for publising games and producing fixture posters etc. Why is he not doing this ?


The downloaded poster that I put up in my local generated quite a bit of interest & the Landlady has asked for some more.....but I ain't got none !


So come on Mr Bettles, sort it please, even if we have to pick some up from the office to distribute.



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Goog greif - I totally agree Hirsty,

in fact I posted this only a few days ago:-


"We now have a first class full time team, backed up by a manager most fans are fully behind.

Where we are lacking is the forward thinking, dynamic and inspirational leadership from the board.


We are a full time business, and the attitude of the board should reflect this - at times it still seems like a gentlemens social club, or an expensive hobby for those lucky enough to able to indulge.

Many aspects of the club, such as the club shop, the web site are brilliantly run by hard working volunteers, but we need to turn it into a professional operation to get the best return.

To progress, we need a full time, Press, Publicity and Marketing office - running the shop, web site, football in the community,etc, etc- we own Fleet Leisure - let us capitalise on that. God knows , there are many Football league chairman who would die for such a facilty.

Publicity stands are needed at Bluewater and Hempstead Valley (which has been absolutely packed recently)".


Must be the season of goodwill to all men!



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