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Billericay 3-0 AFCW

Simon BTFC

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Excellent performance today, totally deserved the win. Dominated for long stretches, hard to recall more than 1 or 2 moments when we looked in any trouble at the back. Hodges gave us the lead direct from a corner after Flack's shot pushed wide, then Whelps added a 2nd after an excellent move. Hunter scored a 2nd half pen after Burbridge pulled back by Haswell, probably just glad to get close to a 'ricay player after Whelps left him chaseing shadows for the first hour or so!



McSweeney Heffer Blewitt Kerrigan

Whelpdale Hunter Dormer Hodges

Elder Flack


Game for Hodges

Burbridge for Elder

Holland for Flack

SNU: Hill, Worster

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i thought the first half performance was quality the best ive seen for a long while the passing and the movement was excellent second half afc got back into a bit but the penalty killed them of, and if they can carry them performances on we will have a great chance of a play off spot or even higher.

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First half we played the best we've played all season. Two great goals & possibly should have had a penalty for handball as well. Second half, we let them get back into it for 20 mins, then settled down and the penalty sealed it. MMOTM Danny Kerrigan. Whelps was great in first half but looked quieter in second.


The table looks a lot better now <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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It was a fantastic result and for me our most complete performance of the season. We've probably played better in patches but to sustain that level of domination over a fancied team for 90 minutes was an excellent effort.


Their much vaunted defence couldnt handle our forwards and Whelpdale's dominance over Haswell typified this. In midfield we certainly controlled the game for all of the first half and I thought bringing Gameo on was vital for us in the second as they started to up the pace. Our defence was great today. We restricted them to I think one shot in the whole game and great to see Billy keep a clean sheet on his return.


MOTM is tough as there were a lot of strong performances today but my vote would go to Macca. In the last couple of games he has been back to his best form.


It's difficult to judge AFCW on the strength of one game but on that showing their supporters must feel they need to improve to figure in the mix-up.


Onto Tuesday and another tough game but if we can maintain that level of performance we have to be in with a shout of a top five finish.

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Agree with JL, our best all-round performance this season. We did the damage in the first half where they didn't have an answer to either Whelpdale or Hodges. Second half they've upped their game but defensively we looked solid, Heffer's best game of the season for me. We need to capatalise on this result though, by taking 3 points on Tuesday.

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coupwotcoup said:
Tom_smalleyBTFC said:
gutted i was working.
think my first game will also be the last of the year aginst that claret lot from round the corner =]

had the reulsts scrolling on screen sounds like a brilliant game... what was the attendance

and 900 of them were wimbledon fans !! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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Good natured banter aside (and I'm sure that's what is was eh?...) the level of AFC support didn't seem a patch on last season.

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Oh they've all ready commented on that one...Loco Fan and Sean having the courage they usually disply behind they keyboard!!!


There were two supporters that took exception to the way the support was treated last season, not recognising that we took instruction from their club and the Met Police. Some of them also mentioned that they shouldn't be playing at this level. As JL pointed out, you have to earn the right to compete at a higher level.


I really don't know what it is about some of these clubs like Chelmo and AFC Wimbledon. They obviously think that "earning" the right, isn't for them and they should be promoted on the merit and quality of their support (for those BBB numpties, my tounge is in my cheek). Still, from some of the Chelmsford comments on the Soppy Box, they actually recognise that there are now two other teams in the Ryman League other than themselves, so things maybe improving over there.

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GazzaBTFC said:
There were two supporters that took exception to the way the support was treated last season, not recognising that we took instruction from their club and the Met Police. Some of them also mentioned that they shouldn't be playing at this level. As JL pointed out, you have to earn the right to compete at a higher level.

I think I also pointed out that that sad pair had their heads so far up their own ar8es that their shoulders were brown!!
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I know it’s already been mentioned, but we did dominate yesterday.

We defended when we had to defend, we were strong when we had to be strong, we passed them off the park (to the delight of the Blue Army) when we had the opportunity, and we were better organised.


Apparently Micheal Haswell "is rated by many as the best Left back in the Ryman Premier Division" Well, he was rinsed yesterday by a young 19 year old lad who might just be, the best right winger in the Ryman Prem, Chris Whelpdale.


The Wombles pen pics state that Steve Butler, “a commanding old-school centre half, rated by many as one of the best in the Ryman League” was, according to Mr Ainsworth, left floundering by our 21 year old Nathan Elder.


And whilst I’m on the subject of our young lads, Blewitt coped admirably with the quality front two, Fitzgerald, who is on loan from Brentford, and the former Aldershot hot shot D’Sane.


All in all a great day for us, with the whole team putting in excellent performances, A big well done to the whole team, and a special mention for the Management who have assembled a full squad of quality. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/applaus.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/applaus.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/applaus.gif" alt="" />




And let’s hope my words of praise don’t come back and bite me on the bum this Tuesday.

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<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/afro.gif" alt="" />

I thought they brought in the region of 350/400


Tha being the case you would have had 550/600 home supporters which is fair enough but begs the question how come you dont pull those numbers on a regular basis nix.gif


Not a pop just wondered what opinion was , people more selective , price , cant be arsed , only interested in BIG games nix.gif

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I suspect that there are a combination of reasons why our attendances are down. Southend's promotion IMHO has had an effect, we've had no cup runs this season, but probably being mid-table for most of the season is the biggest factor. Saying that, more performances like Saturday and we'll be back to 5/600. It's not just us though, quite a few clubs seem to be wondering why thier attendances aren't doing better.

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"Apparently Micheal Haswell "is rated by many as the best Left back in the Ryman Premier Division" Well, he was rinsed yesterday by a young 19 year old lad who might just be, the best right winger in the Ryman Prem, Chris Whelpdale".


I love that expression..."he was rinsed". Say's it all really

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