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Kentish Town Reserves

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Rhodes, I notice that your Middlesex County League side has the following record:

Pld 8 Won 0 Drawn 0 Lost 8 GF 7 GA 25 Pts -6



As the Club Secretary with overall responsibility for administrative matters within the club, and as someone who proudly boasts to read the rule book of every competition the club enters with a fine toothcomb, could you tell me why they have minus six points please?

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Rhodes said:
.....we work hard at Kentish Town and will leave no stone unturned in progressing the Club onwards and upwards.

A fine question, especially given this response given on another thread minutes ago! Hope to meet you tomorrow night....weather permitting.
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Eagle said: Hope to meet you tomorrow night....weather permitting.
Somehow I doubt it unless you get there early enough to see him being frogmarched away by the lynching party on entering the ground.
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Potters Bar Town FC said:
Rhodes, I notice that your Middlesex County League side has the following record:
Pld 8 Won 0 Drawn 0 Lost 8 GF 7 GA 25 Pts -6

As the Club Secretary with overall responsibility for administrative matters within the club, and as someone who proudly boasts to read the rule book of every competition the club enters with a fine toothcomb, could you tell me why they have minus six points please?

In case you missed the point of this thread Rhodes I've highlighted the question AGAIN for you!!
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Potters Bar Town - Yes a good question and I'm glad you asked it as it will highlight even more the innovative work we are doing in the local Community. We introduced a Reserve side at the start of the season following much deliberation and consultation with the Middlesex League, it has been used as an innovative vehicle to bring the under privileged kids from deprived backgrounds and literally out of their cardboard boxes into the Club and playing football irrespective of standard. It hasn't been an easy process and there have been two occasions when we haven't been able to field a team however we are trying and have received great aclaim for our efforts. That explains the six point deficit.

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Rhodes said:
Potters Bar Town - Yes a good question and I'm glad you asked it as it will highlight even more the innovative work we are doing in the local Community. We introduced a Reserve side at the start of the season following much deliberation and consultation with the Middlesex League, it has been used as an innovative vehicle to bring the under privileged kids from deprived backgrounds and literally out of their cardboard boxes into the Club and playing football irrespective of standard. It hasn't been an easy process and there have been two occasions when we haven't been able to field a team however we are trying and have received great aclaim for our efforts. That explains the six point deficit.

So taking out the rhetoric and the insults to the existing players. Nobody else wants to play for you, and you can't raise a team.
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Spidermanor said: So taking out the rhetoric and the insults to the existing players. Nobody else wants to play for you, and you can't raise a team.
What insults are those then, compliments more like for the players efforts and enthusiasm. This project is not about results it's about taking part and literally saving lives, most of the lads are only 16 and come up against adults of 25-30 every week hell bent on kicking lumps out of them.
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Rhodes said:
most of the lads are only 16 and come up against adults of 25-30 every week hell bent on kicking lumps out of them.

We've all been there.. welcome to mens football!
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Rhodes said:
This project is not about results it's about taking part

And twice, you haven't!

I get on very well with the committee of the Middlesex County League (as you will see for yourself if you come to Yeading for any of their Cup Finals at the end of the season). Clubs such as yours, that don't treat the League seriously and with respect and just turn up on a whim every now and then cause a lot of wasted hard work and effort for everyone concerned. As the club secretary, you should be ashamed of your actions and should consider playing in the Powerleague in future, rather than an organised 11-a-side league, as it seems you would have more chance of fielding a full side there.
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Rhodes said: We introduced a Reserve side at the start of the season following much deliberation and consultation with the Middlesex League, it has been used as an innovative vehicle to bring the under privileged kids from deprived backgrounds and literally out of their cardboard boxes into the Club and playing football irrespective of standard.
Potters Bar Town - You haven't read my post properly, it says 'following much deliberation and consultation with the Middlesex League'. Personally I had reservations about joining but the League more or less twisted our arms behind our backs and talked us into into it due to the nature of what we are trying to do at Kentish Town. The view you hold is exactly why there are so many people on the streets making society what it has sadly become today, you don't care a bit do you and that's very sad.
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Rhodes - who are you to judge whether I care about any given subject? For your information, I have worked in the fields of mental health and homelessness in the past and currently work for Social Services. The link in all of those is giving people a better standard of life so I don't need a lecture from a pen-pushing Whitehall tea boy, thank you.


As for "dragging kids out of their cardboard boxes" to play football, whilst it is a laudible idea (if a somewhat offensive way of phrasing it), your record in the Middlesex League suggests that you are failing miserably and I would suggest that you should be concentrating on running just a single side at senior level until you have the infrastructure to do what you want to do properly.

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Apologies for ruffling your feathers but it's something I feel quite strongly about and didn't realise you have worked in that field. As you know I started a similar initiative at Haringey Borough in order to try and help local deprived youngsters make something of themselves and gain a little self respect however due to 'Sugar' unceremoniously pulling the plug on the high profile operation just as it was bearing fruit you can probably appreciate why I'm a little prickly. What he did to those poor kids, some of who were only eight, was bordering on the criminal and worryingly he did it with a smile on his face in a dictatorial fashion, hence his Idi Amin, Robert Magabe and Ceaucescu all rolled into one tag.

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Rhodes - I notice that you have an U16s team. Wouldn't it be better for the 16 year olds in your reserves either to play in this if they were still 15 on 1st Aug, or to set up an U17s instead of pitting them against grown men? It must be very discouraging for them at that age to be beaten every week - surely they would stand more chance against kids their own age. I would hate to think that some of them may be put off playing due to the physical nature of the adult game when they are not ready for it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

But is no good to the young players to get beat by huge scorelines every Saturday, yes some will gain great experience but to me its the responsibilitry of the manager to bring in players to help out and some stability into the side. Im sure the 1st and reserve teams train seperately but the first team management are just as much to blame concentrating on the 1st team, the problem with most clubs and those clubs go no-where

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