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Hornchurch 0 Uxbridge 0


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I think you are spot on with your observation. Our midfield is a bit of a 'bread sandwich' at the moment where no-one has a clear identity. We need one guy in there with some real bite to play in front of the defence which would allow his peers to be more creative and hopefully more mobile. What we currently seem to have (exc. Wee Man) is a type of player who seems intent on playing a one paced type of game around the centre circle, not real ball winners but not match winners either.


I look at a lot of the other local non-league teams who, in the main try to play with this sort of identity, particularly Purfleet who can mix it where necessary but can play also.


I'm not knocking Mick, last season his band of mainly local lads were a joy to watch and a real credit to the club and they played with a real purpose, before Christmas, particularly against Slough we seemed to have found some of the old spirit.


On saturday, not having seen the lads play since before Christmas it brought home to me that we do seem to be losing our way a bit.

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whilst I'm on here in registered mode I'll join in this one if I may.....there is no doubt that the team has lost that killing edge when on the offensive (think we all agree that the back three continue to perform admirably) not sure that we can blame the system though....whichever way you look at it...we are creating chances and we are enjoying enormous amounts of territorial posession and we really don't look like losing games at all ...(there's always going to be a couple of scares in every game)....no.... sorry to have to say it but I think it is time for a few changes up front and perhaps a bit of a shake up in midfield...why not....its not a bad reflection on our strikers or anyone else....whats the point in having a large squad and not using them...bottom line is all that counts and we are not scoring goals and we are not winning games...change it around some mick and lets see what happens next....no need for over the top kneejerks but you won't get that from Mick anyway he's to experienced and to clever for that....

''talks cheap...bricks build houses''....where have you all heard that before...?......


On another issue whilst I'm 'live'..... there is an under 16 quarter final being played tonight...anyone know where the game is to be held....

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the only person thats clueless around here my friend is you, here's why...firstly I am entitled to an opinion...just because it differs with yours doesn't make me clueless.....do we have your opinion yet....thought not....if we have had...identify yourself so we can match your post with the last bit of drivel....

secondly...you seek to impress your views without actually being constructive...as your last post testify's.....at least mine is direct, opinionated and to the point....surely we all have the right to an opinion or do you feel that yours is the only one that matters.....speak up man...dont be shy...give us your team...'dont just resort to trying to bully people off the forum'....

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Its a shame, we'd had well over 20 posts on the subject, all putting well argued opinions until some idiot comes on and spouts cr*p! If you haven't got anything constructive to say pal, don't bother coming on here.

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they can't help themselves mate...rush of blood to the ol' brain box I reckon....anyway...due to all this rain we'll probably have to wait until saturday now to see what changes, if any will be made...whilst we're without footie matters...lets continue with this one......why dont you all name your own teams and lets have alook at what comes out of it....I can only manage a place on the bench at my age....

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You're right about one thing JFC, Jonah definitely isnt producing what we know he can. The bottom line is... Why are we insisting on playing defensive rather than going all out and trying to bang a few in? We have undoubtedly the best striker in the league in taff, and with Jonah they can score goals for fun as they have already shown. I think we need to take a long hard look at the managerial team to see why these lads havent received the service they thrive off. Taff was m.o.m. against Harlow, the only one who looked like scoring and mick takes him off! does he know what he's doing? You've got to ask the questions. I'm just not enjoying watching the team at the moment and maybe its time for a bit of a shake-up regarding the management. We cannot expect to sign big name players like jonah, taff, gav, lockey and dimitri and expect a sub standard manager to look after them. They are all true pro's in the way they go about their games and deserve to get the same back from the club, or else how do we expect to keep them? The league clubs are looking at taff and gav, without Karl getting in some decent knowledgable backroom staff they wont think twice about going, and who could blame them?

I hope Karl and the others in the boardroom take notice of this message and others because if it carries on, then just like we've threatened, there will be a few less urchins around come the end of season run in. We need to be challenging for honours, the players deserve it and the fans deserve it and the CLUB deserves it.


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Personally I wouldn't want to see a change in management at the club at this time. We have been beaten only twice all season (in the league), have the best defensive record of any team in our division by a long way and just don't look like we can be beaten. I grant you, our performances haven't been brilliant of late, but I think it shouldn't be too hard to turn some of these draws into wins. Maybe we should be p*ssing this division given some of the players we have in our team, I don't know. What isn't good enough if our goal scoring, we simply haven't scored enough goals and won enough matches, but this league is so tight I reckon it could come down to which team has lost the most games that misses out on promotion. Us with only 2 losses look good, yeah we need to start scoring and winning, but we are still right in there. A few results will have us shooting up there and I personally think Northwood are by no means out of sight yet, so who's to rule out the championship as well!!! It all depends on the next few matches though.

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go to bed boys and stop worrying about selection...thats the managers job...if you play you play if you dont you're on the bench...as for players going...no chance at all...unless we wanna sell 'em that is...as for mick going...the players will all go before he does...as for fans not coming to watch us...they will....I'll see to that....don't worry....now I've read enough drivel tonight to last a bloody lifetime so run along children it really is bed time....don't pi*s me off...i'm not in the mood....

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you are obviously a new 'supporter' of this club. Last years team did all the things that we want to see now and guess who the manager was?


How much influence does Mick have now over who we are signing? There are players here now who hardly break sweat for this club and it shows!

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Miserable git are you suggesting that team spirit and the urge to pull together has gone with the influx of new players.

After all the team of last year developed over a few seasons and were all trying to make a name for themselves as well as enjoy there football.

Maybe we need more Rymen level players than ex league players.

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interesting debate this one, only thing I dont like is the shaded references to the new ownership of the club....if any one can really believe that the club was better before we came...well...if thats a majority we would be pleased to hand it over to them and let them have a go....having said that...lets address a few issues calmly....firstly...last years team would be at the bottom half of the division by now...thats a fact and anyone that doesn't believe that is seriously out of touch....secondly...every player brought into the club has been Micks selection.....anyone who thinks that Marsden would let anyone interfere with the football side of the club obviously does not know him...trust me...I've tried to interfere and been sent packing.....thirdly....the club is in a period of major change...everywhere on and off the pitch...I accept that people have very short memories but do sometimes wonder what planet some of you people are on....needless to say.. you are entitled to your opinions but I do wish that both the positive and the negative views were aired...I also sincerely hope that the posters of these negative views are genuine supporters...we do accept of course that there are always jealous people that will seek to undermine what we are doing...we can live with that....lastly...lets look at the position we are in....achieved in only seven short months....plannimng application in for the new east stand....excellent relationship with the athletics people (lets not underestimate the importance of this recent development) riverside will be finished in two weeks... completed with 500 seats...a new gymnasium and phsio centre with full time phsio...our own full time groundsman........third in the division with matters still (just about) in our own hands....only lost two games this season albeit accept that the draws could hurt us...and a squad more than big enough to see us through the season as promotion contenders....old club house completely renovated and making money.........yeah your right....its all a waste of time...lets go back to last year....good idea......

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Just picked up all this banter about who should and who shouldn't be in the team. Who should manage and who shouldn't. What system we should play or shouldn't. So lets look at Mr Wizards remarks.... He certainly got his [****!!****] over his head about the Harlow subs..Does he know which players are which? How about the one the league clubs are looking at Taff and Gav...were they the ones that got rid of them in the first place? My friend, and I use the word very, very, loosely if we're honest I can't see any of our team, at this time, impressing a league club...certainly not the two players that you seem to have insider info about. Anyhow I reckon that Mick would be mad to let anyone go even if you were the slightest bit right.

Still, back to the real matter at hand as to our teams prospects. We'll be in at the death, good luck lads don't let these doubting Thomas's detract you.

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Nice one Billy the cat, sounds like you know your stuff (not).

You're obviously not that bothered about the current state of play.

If you think Mick is doing ok then your watching the wrong games mate. The simple fact is Mick couldnt run a bath. He is not getting the best out of our players and with the team we're putting out our results are sub standard.

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