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Same old ####


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Flippin eck, decided to check up on how old Slough was doing and it seems nothing has changed while I've been away.

Still uncertaintity at begining of each season, players threatening to strike because they have not been paid!!!! And best of all still wait "2 weeks" for any news haha

Love to any "old timers" still there, especially Chris Sliski and Richard Fleet.

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Mark ..audrey moved away due to work committments..nothing else ...a good help to Slough....hope your well audrey may see you at a game..we are still alive ..only just but still breathing...and a faint pulse..lol...



chris s

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Spot on King Tut and Roger.


What has it come to when players who are playing in the seventh tier of English football refer to this as "employment."

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I guess in an ideal world we'd all like every player to play for the badge, the fans, and the love of the game with not much regard to the money on offer because in non-league it surely can't be considered a secondary source of income unless you're playing in the Conference or for a wealthy Con South/North club.


Unfortunately that's far too naive as we all know and there are very few players would would stick around and play just because of an attachment to a club and its supporters.


If the money troubles continue and players keep leaving, I'd be more than happy fielding a load of local boys who would be happy to play for expenses only - whether we get relegated or not (which may not be a bad thing anyway).

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This is Slough ..in the ryman league.. this is boot money...not full time wages....


and over the last 2 weeks ..they have had 3 weeks money...so I am told...but all the players over the last 7 years have always received their money in the end...i know its not the right way ... but thats non league for you...and slough is really no different to a majority of teams at our level...only the few have money to burn...


<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

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I'm sorry Mark feels the way he does towards me when he doesnt even know me.

I worked (without pay) for many years at SLough Town at every home match come rain or shine, and loved it, well most of it! I took many a cross word from fans for doing my job but Chris and Richard always helped me cope, luckily the good times outweighed the bad.

I left because of my job and we then moved to Derby, a bit difficult to get to Slough matches. I still tell people I support SLough Town and if we can get down for a weekend then we will visit. Hope your disabled facilities are up to scratch as Kevin is now wheelchair bound.


I didnt come on here as anonymous, I gave my name as a visitor, So Mark, you can take your comments and stuff them where the sun dont shine.

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Chris, you say that 'over the last 2 weeks the players have had 3 weeks money, so I'm told'.


King Tut said that the Supporters Trust has dipped into it's coffers to pay their wages.


I assume what your saying is you obviously know how much the Trust has contributed but you don't know how much the club has from the last two home games?

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audrey I think Mark apologized ...wheelchair faclities are very very basic at windsor..they know they have directives to follow and will soon have to carry out some work to bring it upto the standards needed...but Gary House , mum is in a similar situation and we will cope...


come and see us..your be most welcome...


chris sliski

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reply to Reading rebel...


Remember the trust only has certain powers to spend a certain ammount of the trust money...if we exceed or want to exceed this ammount of £2000 we would have to hold an EGM ...


but of course we as a board are comitted to do what our membership wants us to do, we may get somethings wrong but we live and die by our memebers voting at the AGM's


cheers chris sliski

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As Chris said the disabled facilities are fairly basic at Windsor.

There are no slopes, but it is possible to get the wheelchair right by the fencing without too much difficulty.

You also need to go slowly if you are going to the club house, quite a pot holed route.


Apart from that it is OK, and I have no difficulties in pushing my mum's wheelchair around the ground.


Also, there are always lots of people willing to help at a moments notice if it is needed.


A good example of how they help is ...During a pre season friendly at Maidenhead, in the poring rain, Chris and a few others actually picked my mum up, in the wheelchair, and lifted her over some difficult steps to get her to the covered area.

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