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Rob_Butler said:
When we last lost your fans did come on our forum!

We had to, your fans don't even know how to use a computer!!!
oh BTW, I loved it when our guys were singing about your sexual orientation.... <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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WelshBob said:
Rob, I was tempted to wrap your scarf round your f()cking neck last night wearing it down our end but I thought no, we're a friendly club but next time son I'll shove it so far up your ar$e you're eyes'll be brown.
Nice one WelshBob,could not have put it better myself. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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What is more likely to stop you getting front-page coverage Cookie, A rival fan making a comment or a fan of Margate starting a thread saying, "that was crap"?

You decide. Seems obvious to me that a thread from a Margate fan saying you were dreadful would do more harm than a remark from a Ramsgate fan.

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Unity Rob,UNITY. For a few days only I was looking for unity.The fact that you mentioned our bad form does not show unity amongst both clubs. "Spite" comes to kind. The fact that you directed it at the very man I was speaking with about this didnt help either.

The fact that WE show our disbelief at OUR form is internal & is our right. Its not attacking our neighbours is it?

Of course you are allowed to give an opinion even if it is just to wind people up,me included,but I just wish you could have held back just this once thats all.But you didnt THINK did you Just weighed in there without a care in the world & without thinking of the consequences of it.All just for your own satisfaction.

You as a Ramsgate fan attacked your neighbours with that remark & to me that dosent show unity.

Dont worry about it too much as we more than likely wouldnt have got front page anyway so I doubt your outburst would have made any difference after all thinking about it again.

I just wanted things to go smoothly until such times as the paper had come out just so's as not to rock the boat.Remember that the whole idea of getting front page or hopefully getting it was based on BOTH clubs wanting to encourage others to attend each others games. Our result wont have helped as nothing had gone to press at that time.Besides us not being top now & you not being second,will no doubt have have watered down our chances too.So maybe these things will have prevented anything happening anyway..

I know its hard for you to hold back at others misfortune,especially ours,mainly ours,but occasionally it would be nice to hear you say something positive about your neighbours as we do on many occasions about your teams efforts or as you have done in the past,occasionally, just kept quiet.

As I say, forget it,its done now & we will find out in the morning if any harm has been done. Again though it may not have made a difference anyway. I just would have liked to have given it every chance of happening.

I apologise for shoving you(though sometimes you do push your luck,especially from behind a keyboard),as my upset was aimed mainly at the probable loss of recruits to the club through a disappointing result & second half performance more than your stupid "permanent smirk". I didnt need you rubbing it in at the time.

I should know better & I should try & just ignore you.As others say thats the only way you will get bored with things if people dont bite back.I am the major one to do that & I have to learn not to.I intend now to refrain from doing so in the future.

If it dosent happen dont concern yourself with it. It wouldnt have been solely your fault!

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Rob think about this one : i put the thread on ( how crap was that ) and it was and i was disapointed to say the least after hearing how good margate were at Bromley & Tonbridge .

When we lose and lose like that we as Gate fans will speak how we feel , we are honest and truthful to what we have watched. Then you come on here and twat about wind everyone up with snide comments , disrespect people then think you can come to Hartsdown and stand amongst us and watch a game with open arms ,well looks like that was your last visit to Hartsdown then .

The final thing to Rob is just remember that on boxing day all the MARGATE fans will TRUE blue fans in there hundreds coming to watch there team . On the red side remember when your standing with your fans they will all be 1 HIT WONDERS ( here today gone tomorrow ) thats the differance between you and us .Cookie you do a Great job keep it up mate , most people respect what you do .

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Appreciated lads but thats not what I was doing it for,the thanks.Just thought that with us & them well placed in the league at this time at the same time it seemed too good an opportunity to miss & was worth taking a chance on reaping some rewards out of the situation' as it was, & certainly worth an attempt to take advantage off.As will be usual I reckon the coverage will be no different to what we are used to by being either on the back page or inside the back page.I hope,of course I do, that we do get centre billing but it may well be that the editor,whos final decision it is, will refuse us this request. Oh well, we will see in the morning.At least we tried our best! Nothing ventured etc etc.

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Don't worry Cookie, with the way the press works they like to have a story with a bit of spice. At the top they will knock you, but with a bit of fireworks on the way down it's newsworthy. There's no news in a Good Hearted Feel Good Story, they want blood, guts, misery and humiliation. You haven't reached those depths yet, but they may sniff out the discontent and get the scent of the kill in thier nostrils and show an interest....Sod local NEWS. It's the above that sells <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


As soon as i saw Rob's post i knew you'd have a response....And a very good one it was.

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It is our forum, and I have no problem with it, just as it is our moderator, who does a splendid job and does not deserved to be abused.

Most visitors from other teams who come on here have a reasonable football chat, and are friendly and courteous. What they contribute is returned in kind. But no-one makes anyone come on, and some people with better things available to do just come on wanting to start aggro.


At the end of the day, if you don't like it, go chat with the multitudes on your own forum.

Oh, I forgot...

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