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Which Players have actually left?


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GarySTFC said:
Lower level might mean more wins, which in turn brings people back through the gate.......

I doubt that the maths adds up. £12000 a year rent means nearly £600 per league game. So the first 100 fans through the gates pays the rent. Then there are overheads, travel expenses, Ref's fees, kit, match balls etc.

Windsor on the other hand pay virtually no rent, and have the equivelant of 100 fans per home game added to their income through our rent. Without a ground, sooner or later we will have to face folding. Our league position is of secondary importance to getting our own ground.
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Toatally agree with Ted... a ground first, this will re spur interest and support and most importantly back in slough !


Thats why come may we really have to support the Trust's election bids...all will be need to help in this matter...


cheers chris s

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it has to be said though...the chances of the club getting a ground before folding is pretty slim, even for the most optimistic among us. would the council still support a reformed club at a lower level if it is run by current STST and STFC supporters?

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Still? That implies they support us now. That very much remains to be seen, but with Roy apparently optimistic with the talks, lets hope so.

Re getting a ground, where there is a will there is a way. If everyone supports the trust next May, you'd be amazed at the impact. Sadly, I suspect that most won't.

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Don Juan DeMarcus said:
Cant see it happning at the moment, verey pessamistic about the whole thing which is why i am at home right now and not on the way to hendon, its al too depressing to watch!

I'm sorry to hear you say that DJD.

IMHO it's at times like this that the true supporter stays loyal and the fairweather supporter stays away.

If we don't all stay united what chance do we have of survival.
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Yeah well, I'm becoming far more put off by 'off the field' problems than whats happening on the pitch, I just dont think there are people who have the clubs best interests at heart and unfortunately they are the people who have the power to destory it for the loyal fans/ loyal players.


But i did see Slough Ladies instead.

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Unfortunately, Sue, that's how a lot of people feel. Like Marcus, my absence has absolutely nothing to do with results, I made that decision long before pre-season had even started.


The lack of information and guidance at the club is frustrating at best and heartbreaking at worst. People say, "well you should talk to Roy for information." Try that, as I did on many occasions, and you get stories of how this going to happen and that and this is how it's gonna be sorted out and this is how it's all gonna move forward. Then, nothing happens. In fact, worse than that, it goes backwards.


After a while the only conclusions you can draw after hearing the same stuff too many times are either the people telling you are just trying to placate you, they don't actually know what they are doing or they have no power to influence it. It's sad but I'm not currently prepared to invest my time in something that treats me, a supporter/stakeholder/shareholder, like crap.


Disloyal? Fair weather? If that's the way people want to see it then so be it. To suggest walking away is the easy choice is totally wrong however. It's actually a far more difficult option. You don't stop caring just because you're not there. In fact, it hurts a lot that people get driven to take this course of action. To suggest, as some people have, that it's the easy option couldn't be further from the truth. The easy option is actually to keep turning up and put up with the crap (off field, not on) that the club continues to serve up. It's certainly made my Saturday's far more difficult from a logistical point of view as Kay and I now rarely see each other when she's at football.


Sometimes though, you have to do what you feel is right and I'm not prepared to put my energies and efforts into something that throws them back in my face. Very sad.

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i must say i am sorry to hear that people feel like this, but i am hardly surprised. over the last 2 years i have come in and supported the rebels through the highs and lows...but even i am getting frustrated by all this off the field crap, and i havent been hearing it for as long as the rest of those behind the goal.

i will continue to follow the team, i will be there at 'home' on saturday, and the following saturday...but its hard to ignore that the off the field problems are driving the on the field team away, and as this happens more relegation is more and more certain every week, and it will not be the fault of those who now decide not to come to games.

as i say i will continue to support those players who are willing to turn out for the amber and blue despite all the problems, but its clear for all that the club is heading down the toilet...and this could be the last season of it.

i have come to love this club with a passion like the rest...but seeing the numbers behind the goal shrinking more and more is not a pleasant sight...


so now its a case of slough town 'til it dies, rather than slough town 'til i die...very sad indeed.

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I can totally understand what you and Ian are saying because there is a 'lot of crap' that goes on behind the scenes and to the supporter who wants to do more for the club than just turn up on a Saturday it can be frustrating and soul destroying.


The lifeline of any club are it's supporters and if these people truly had the club at heart they would realise that by their lack of communication they are, bit by bit, alianating the very thing that will stop this club from extinction, it's supporters.


These people are here one minute and gone the next and I'll be damned if I let them stop me doing what I love and that's watching and supporting Slough Town.


The alternative is to sit back and watch the club die and I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen.

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Sue said:
Blimey thats really sad you feel that way Marcus, I didnt expect that from you. I'm not having a go by the way just shocked that you feel that way


It was just a couldnt be arsed day, whereas a few years ago i would have forced myself to go, i just couldnt be bothered to put in the effort.
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