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Has anyone come to the same conclusion as myself,that probably the main reason for our inconsistence is that the team is changed to often and not given time to settle and get cohesion.


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I feel it is just as much to do with not knowing what our strengths are, and not knowing what tactics to use to play to our strengths.


I also feel that the players are not always up for it in a big game.

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I'm not trying to sound like I'm sticking up for Browne, but it must be very nice for the players to know that when they play poorly we all start moaning about how bad the manager is and how its all down to him.


Its all a question of shared responsibility, and I'm afraid nobody seems to want to hold their hands up. I've not seen an apology from the manager of any of the players in the press or on this site for what happened at Northwood, and frankly that is shocking.

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interesting point there fatboy, do you not think however that players, regardless of whatever level they are playing at, seem to want to distant themselves from their responibilities, trawl through the non-league webbies and see if you can find a debate involving players and fans together, unlikely mate I'll tell you.......... maybe thats because the fans will savage 'em, understandable I suppose, the managers keep out of the way because they understandably need to focus on what their decisions are, not be distracted by opinion which of course we all have, I resepct our manager for that, he'll politely take on board what's said to him and then go and make his own decisions, he has to or else he'll fail....they've all got the same problem including browne. We have to have sympathy for the part time players who are holding down jobs as well, some of them work, travel, play a game and then go back to work, under that sort of lifestyle related pressure, its understandable when they don't want to read or listen to critisism...who'd be a football player or a Manager....can you imaging a'committee' of fans picking the team each week...cor blimey...no games would get played and the prison cells would be full of fans for fighting with each other....


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The team changes a lot due to injuries, which is probably why we lost to british rail in the FACUP, as we had no big guys left to head the ball away. Sure Slough are one of the best supported teams outside the conference and the fans ,who are dwindling away, do deserve better. Still it could be a lot worse and a lot will depend on this weekends game.

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I think you've somewhat missed my point there Mr Official. I'm not saying that the fans should pick the team or the players should engage in debate with the fans (though it will be a shame no longer having chats with Steve Hale.)I just feel extremely let down by the team after Northwood and it would have been nice to hear more than a murmur from the squad.


Still, must move on, its been nearly two weeks since then and I won't mention the Northwood game again, well not unless we get stuffed by Wealdstone

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iv got a feling that if we {the fans} did pick the team we would get a few more good results,i mean i dont know one slough fan that would have picked deji over sammy,iv got a feeling browne just picked deji to try to prove a point,well that back fired didnt it steve,sammy comes on and we score 2 goals,also why is he leaving a fully fit byron bubb on the bench and playing and out of match practise wilkinson,also isnt it the time dom got a chance in goal he looked really sharpe before the match at great wakering.SO MANY QUESTIONS AND SO LITTLE ANSWERS!!!!

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'ere...wassallthis then...i's all wanna play an' all dunni....let me in.................only joking guys...truth is...enjoy it...whatever it is...whatever happens..........i aint a bad judge and you'll be there at tjhe end......trust me.....like i said....enjoy.....aint worth going if you don't....good luck saturday....you keep letting us down...go shaft some one...preferably the camels.......'ere...play the rabbit...eees quicker orf the mark than a greyhound....ha ha.....

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