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The new Clement Temile thread

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The publicity on 'the great one' carries on relentless, this time in this weeks Ham and High newspaper that is read by the Primrose Hill set, Sadie Frost, Kate Moss, Stella McCartney and Gwyneth Paltrow to name but a few:




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Right, Rhodes (just taking a half-time break from watching Derby County winning at Leicester on the telly) a few points I'd like cleared up :


In the article, Clement is quoted as saying that he won the Golden Boot at the 1984 African Nations Cup - he didn't - he scored 2 goals and the Boot winner got 4.

He says he was African Player of the Year -he wasn't.

He says he was voted joint Player of The Tournament with Roger Milla - history books have failed to record this so far as I can see! There is no doubt that the man was a Nigerian International in the 80's and no doubt a hero at that time, but he seems to be suffering from loss of memory!

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Horace - Well it's typical that you should try to pick holes in the article as I'm sure, your partners in crime, Potters Bar Town and Lato will do later on when they see it.

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rhodes, no ne has ever dispute that Clement Temile is a former Nigerian international and that to have him coaching at KTFC is a tremndous coup on the part of the club. However some of the claims made about his standing in the history of the world game are a little questionable. It would appear that Horace has exposed some more exaggerations in claims made about him. Not picking holes just putting the record straight!

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Originally Posted By: topcatch
should this not read:
the new 'lying clement temile thread' affig gotcha?

ah yes topcatch...I can see that your rapier like wit and loaded irony are going to be a major part of these forum activities for years to come...you are most definitly of the zody school of entertainment...

in the meantime what does it matter what temile did or didn't do...who really fckn cares....I played 2nd division football but elaborate into europe when partaking of the red elixor....the boys know that but don't start thread after thread about it......they just larf....but yet again you are all ganging up on rhodes over nowt really........its bullying I tell thee...

step back and take stock...the manic vicar of sudbury will be here soon and will condemn you all to hellfire and damnation... devil
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Originally Posted By: topcatch
inane ramblings duel

Is this comment aimed at me or Uncle Urchin.
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A translation, well sort of!!!



Many gates and no passport

The stateless person Toto Tamuz born in Nigeria is feuerherdt the new star in the Israeli football of alex


Around a hair the career would have been so fast again terminated of Toto Tamuz as Israeli national players, as it began. The stateless person 19jaehrige may be used with a special permission of the Fifa with international matches, because he is only in the possession more ­einer temporally limited residence permit. When this ran off in January, Tamuz rejected an extension. It insisted on a regular passport, but the Israeli authorities did not want to assign it that. From protest the stuermer of Beitar Jerusalem refused following an appointment for the friendship game against the Ukraine in the Fe­bruar. "I represent Israel with pride and want by this state to be treated also accordingly", said he. When however the important EM Quali­fikationsspiel moved closer against England, he changed his opinion and consented to the renewal of its papers. The highest Court of Justice of Israel, to which the soccer player had turned, promised to it to receive after a three-year period the full Israeli nationality.


The naturalization would seal also officially the affiliation of the player to Israel and would terminate its statelessness. Tamuz came 1988 into Nigeria as Toto Adaruns Temile to the world; two years later moved its parents with it to Israel. Its father Clement Temile was professional soccer player and Nigerian national player. It stormed one year long for Beitar Netanya, before the club the money went out and Totos parents were forced to come with opportunity jobs over the rounds. In the year 1991 they turned Israel again the backs; they left their small son with a fellow player of Clement, so that it could go later to the school, said it. When Toto was eight years old, Irit Tamuz finally accepted him with itself, taught to it He­brae­isch and pulled it largely. Also without official adoption it carries now its surnames.


Toto stepped into the Fussstapfen of its father. With 14 it began its fussballerische career with Hapoel Petah Tikvah. For this association it gave in the season 2005/06 also its debut in the highest Israeli play class, the Prime Minister to League - and shot against the FC Ashdod equal two gates. Up to the end of this play time he came on 28 employments, with which he obtained considerable eleven hits. A new supertalent was discovered. In the summer 2006 Tamuz revised its before frequently expressed lack of interest at a lucrative contract and changed to the Spitzen­klub Beitar Jerusalem. With success: Beitar is Tabellen­fuehrer, and Toto Tamuz states the goal scorer list of the league.


Also internationally it provides for sensation. Tamuz is one of the most important players of the Israeli U21-Auswahl, with which he reached sensationally the final round of the Euro­pa­meis­ter­schaft, which take place in this summer in the Netherlands by one 1:1 and a 1:0 against France in the Play off Matches in the past autumn. And also in the Israeli A-national team it is successful. In September he celebrated with the 4:1 in the EM Qualifikationsspiel against Andorra his debut. Tamuz was exchanged after one hour and shot a gate one month later prepared it with the 1:1 in Russia the balance hit.


Berti Vogts, since short coach of the Nigerian national team, would see the 19jaehrigen gladly in its team, Tamuz is stateless, but evenly native Nigerianer. Vogts appointed it logically for the Qualifikations­spiel against Uganda to 24. March into its provisional quantity. But because it wants to play only for Israel, Tamuz rejected. It had its large appearance in the portion against England. Because Roberto Colautti was missing, Tamuz was allowed to play for the first time from the beginning. The match ended torlos, but the Israeli newspapers did not only schwaermten from the Youngster, which avanciete to the most dangerous participant at the place and which caused large difficulties to English defense. After 75 minutes it was finally replaced, under large applause of the spectators. Few days later, with the 4:0-Sieg of the Israelis against Estland, he stood again in the starting eleven.


In the meantime one became attentive also in Europe on him. With the Glasgow Rangers about an obligation of the Shooting of star one thinks, that English Erstligaklub FC Everton has Beitar Jerusalem already at the end of March an official offer submitted. Does Tamuz change thus from the Israeli Prime Minister League into the English? It would have at least nothing against it: "a daily I would play already gladly there. With hard work it could fold, believes I."


Also its physical father would be pleased about it much, because he lives in the Londoner the north and is further in the football haven active. Clement Temile put recently the examination down for the A-Trainerschein, together with Roy Keane by the way, which was in former times a captain the Irish soccer national team and from Manchester United and today the Erstliga Absteiger FC Sunderland cared for. Temile is at present a coach with the FC Kentish Town, which kickt as Neuntligist in the "Spartan South Midlands League". He sees the plays of its son usually only in the InterNet, but he hopes for seeing again in September, if Israel comes to the replay in the EM qualification into the new Wembley stadium. "I will be", say the 42jaehrige there to the Londoner Times, "it become not easy, but I will definitely meet him. The most beautiful for me would be to see playing it. And it will want that I see it playing."


Tamuz commentates a possible reunification with its father however clearly more soberly: "I do not have any relationship with him. I know that he lives for some years in England, but more also not." Its father showed interest only after successes with Beitar Jerusalem and the Israeli national team again. Toto Tamuz became large also without it.

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AWK - Thanks for this translation and in record quick time saving Spidermanor the trouble, I wonder where the next article will be, Timbuktu perhaps or Outer Mongolia.

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Well what do you call the article then, it's certainly a lot more substantial than what we've seen so far and goes into great depth, it's bound to have a knock on effect with our German cousins who will be pricking up their ears, I wouldn't be at all surprised if I get a call from 'Der Weld' or 'Das Bild' on Tuesday morning.

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do you speak German rhodes?

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