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Give War A Chance

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like him, loath him, whatever.. he's not my kind of journo..but he was right about uncontrolled immigration and a collapse of border control being a security risk... see one dead copper.. now the important thing here isnt his style, wether he is a spurs fan, racist,right wing homophobe or anything else people chuck at at anyone with these views, the important thing is that he was right, bang on the money, 100 per cent correct! If we had followed his advice then that copper would not be dead, we would not be spunking millions chasing around after gods know who and the next people who will get hurt or killed (and there will be more) wouldn't

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has anyone actually got a good reason for not going into iraq? the iraqi people are already suffering enough with all the UN sanctions and suppression from saddam hussein. supposedly millions of people are dying. america won't let the sanctions be dropped as long as saddam is in power. if we take out saddam then we can kill 2 birds with one stone and the iraqi people will be a lot better off in the long run.

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he was right about uncontrolled immigration and a collapse of border control being a security risk... see one dead copper..

........because if there were no immigrants, there'd be no murders, right?
the following words are for some odd reason popping into my head:
jerk, knee, [****!!****].
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he was right about uncontrolled immigration and a collapse of border control being a security risk... see one dead copper..

........because if there were no immigrants, there'd be no murders, right?
the following words are for some odd reason popping into my head:
jerk, knee, [****!!****].

Hmmmm.....soft touch, asylum, benefits, machete street fight in Gravesend (where I live) involving immigrants, dead copper, ricin, september 11th.....

.....Enoch Powell was right all those years ago. Indeed, a man before his time.
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WELL, what a surprise.


Saddam Hussein has been lying and cheating about his weapons.


The United Nations inspectors say he hasn’t come clean about 6,500 chemical warfare bombs, 8,500 litres of anthrax materials, missing Scud missiles and much, much more.


How can anyone say he isn’t a threat to the world?


He’s as deadly as a tank of piranhas.


The issue will never be resolved peacefully unless Iraq co-operates fully with the UN.


Those who urge that America and Britain give Saddam more time have a good point.


The longer the UN team looks for doomsday weapons, the more chance they’ll find them.


Then the world will have to believe the warnings of Tony Blair and George W. Bush.


But to find all the weapons the UN is looking for could take a hundred years.


The search for these weapons cannot go on much longer.


A few more weeks is all Saddam should be given.


If it drags on too long, the UN will make itself a laughing stock.





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Can I just say that we are going to war on Iraq. February 8th 2003 is the day that it will start.

Just five days and counting then, C.Hart.

How do you know this, by the way??

1. A person who wishes to remain nameless (Thornsy) (doesn't actually) tell me that this is C.Hart's birthday.

2. When you ask 'how do you know this,' Zeal, you are questioning C.Hart. You aren't underestimating her intelligence, are you?? Because if you are, the consequences could be disasterous.
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No, Saturday the 8th isn't my Birthday. I know that the 8th is the day it begins because i have links with the news people at Sky news, and they have information from the White house.


You can question me all you want, and don't worry, none of you will underestimate my intelligence.


If i'm correct, well there you go, a little bit of news you heard from me first, and if i'm wrong, well ain't that better than the first hand?


At the end of the day, if the world leaders are wanting to go to war, and the dictator himself keeps making killer weapons, then its going to happen.


But just think about it this way, at least the man who wipes Saddam's [****!!****] isn't going to have a job for very much longer!

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Hi CZ.


Last week, you helpfully reproduced the editorial from The Sun [whatever that is]. One of the statements was along the lines of "Tone knows all about the links between Iraq and Al Q'aeda."


Well according to the radio this morning, some British Intelligence Service Report was sent to him 3 weeks ago which confirmed that there are no links between the two.


Don't misunderstand me, I'm not suggesting any improriety on the part of our Great Leader. When he told The Sun, "I know the links between Al Q'aeda and Iraq", I'm sure that he was telling the whole trruth. Had what passes for a journalist the intelligence to respond, "Go on then Tone. What are the links?", he would have replied "There aren't any."

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No, Saturday the 8th isn't my Birthday. I know that the 8th is the day it begins because i have links with the news people at Sky news, and they have information from the White house.

You can question me all you want, and don't worry, none of you will underestimate my intelligence.

If i'm correct, well there you go, a little bit of news you heard from me first, and if i'm wrong, well ain't that better than the first hand?

At the end of the day, if the world leaders are wanting to go to war, and the dictator himself keeps making killer weapons, then its going to happen.

But just think about it this way, at least the man who wipes Saddam's [****!!****] isn't going to have a job for very much longer!

Hey Claire, you're not related to Black Clouds Broken Wings by any chance, are you??

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