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For Bald Eagle and anyone else sick of pop ups. I use 'pow' software which zaps pop ups. I've configured my pow to only zap those i've added to its memory coz occasionally you may visit a site and actually want the popup for info. You can download pow by clicking the following link :




Good luck and GO IRON GO

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Bald Eagle


Yeah precisely the same. A lot has happened in the past year for me. This time last year I was in my 15th year living in Australia but keeping tabs on the IRON via the media, friends, visits and latterly the internet, when I happened to have a change of partner after 26 years of married life which took me back to the flat country of Essex. As you can imagine the upheaval has limited my involvement on forums such as this, but slowly and surely I'm getting back into it. Interesting thing is my new partner and I are intending going back down under in the next year or two, so lifes never dull is it!


Good luck with the software I'm never without it and those annoying popups are not anymore not even on my own Braintree forum (Iron chatter) which you can access at:



Interesting to see Braintrees and Eagles fortunes are still running in tandem and us soon to get the opportunity to avenge our defeat at your place earlier on.





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