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True story from an Arsenal season-ticket holder


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His season-ticket last year was an absolute plum seat half way up the Highbury main stand close to the half-way line. In other words, a TV camera style view.


Anyway, after the first few games of the season it became apparent that despite all the home games being sell-outs, the two seats on his left were always empty. This continued until just after Christmas when all of a sudden a guy and his young son appeared there.


After a few weeks of sitting next to this guy and his son, he decided to ask if the guy knew why the seats had been empty for half the season. The response is legendary:


'Yeah don't even go there mate. The wife bought me and my son a season ticket but decided it would be a nice idea to give us them for Christmas. I was f***in' raging!'


It's an absolute classic!

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Here's an even older variation on the theme:-


It's the '66 World Cup. A guy takes his seat that he's struggled to get, and paid well over the odds for, and settles in to watch the Dave Clark Five etc.. as people continue to fill the stand.


The stands nearly full but there's two seats next to him that remain vacant. Eventually a middle aged chap struggles into one of them and puts his bag on the spare seat between them.


As the kick-off approaches it becomes obvious that no-one's going to take the spare seat, so out of curiosity the first guy asks the middle aged chap if it was anything to do with him. "Yes. Actually, my Wife & I booked these two seats four years ago but unfortunately she passed away"


The first guy thought about this for a moment, then asked, "I'm sorry to here that, but couldn't you find a friend or relative to make use of it?"


"No. They're a funny lot..." came the reply "...they preffered to go to the funeral".

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coupwotcoup said:
Funeral..on a Saturday..in 1966..don't think so..By the way, Mafeking has been relieved....


Lucky Mafeking!
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