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Last night's T.V. : "Trust".


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I've always wanted to be a Corporate Lawyer.


I missed the opening credits but caught most of a fascinating programme on T.V. last night.


"Trust", a fly-on-the-wall, true-life documentary showing a day in the life of a bunch of Corporate Lawyers at a City firm. Fantastic. Walking around with phones in their ears, whilst making the coffee. Setting up a conference call with 10 people at the same time, all in different locations around the world, Barbados, Gstaad etc. It took all day to co-ordinate the call which took 17 seconds to complete once they were all connected. Amazing.


Conferences through the night. International calls in the early hours of the morning. One chap hadn't left the office for 72 hours [that's the sort of staff I need]. A, kind-of, mobile valet person came in before the start of normal business hours with clean shirt etc.


Two junior members of the firm hurrying in to an early morning meeting. He, walking backwards holding an open lap-top, she crouched over the keyboard typing the final paragraphs to an important report. They crossed the road from their taxi, in through the main reception, up in the lift, and into their own offices in this position. They finished the Report just in time.


It was brilliant, unbelievable. It made Ally McBeal, clearly a work of fiction, look tame in comparison. In a couple of scenes, I was expecting the baby to dance into the room jigging to "Hooked on a feeling". They certainly earn their fees, these Corporate Lawyers.


Er indoors enjoyed it, too. Funny that. She usually prefers programmes like 'The Office' and a year or two ago, 'Not the 9 o'clock news'.


What did you make of it, mdetaylor?

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