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what happend at the game?


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so wat, every body was caught up in the atmosphere thats football for you things get said and done in the heat of the moment if you dont like it dont go simple as that.i for one thought it was a good day in general, whitstable put them selves out to accomedate us very well so a big thanks to them.

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Yes hartdownfan i was at the bromley game I'm at every game and yes i do accept that things happen at football geebee, i just can't accept the hypocrisy of the so-called innocents on here, "me thinks they protest too much"

So its just Alex and Mark for intros, any one else?

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Shut it so called Big Ron. Claim to know what you're talking about do yer? If you did you'd know the Choir are not a problem whatsoever-Saturday was totally down to lack of organisation on Whitstables part ( Ramsgate learnt this last season and are now aware of how to deal with it ).

Seems the only trouble making Margate fan is Big Ron. Anyone wants to meet him at the next game-well he's the one the the great big mouth.

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1100 views on this thread must be making urself popular big ron i'm another who would like to know who u r too!!

I wasn't there but am part of the choir and i have had a couple of pm's from both people both joining in this thread and others who were there but have not contributing to this thread and some that are not even part of the choir and from what i read it was 50/50 on the most part are you a regular or long standing fan of the gate?? and do you actually know any of the choir on a personal note, because i do and they are not bad lads at all who live breath and [****!!****] margate fc!!

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